How I Find Fantastic Ideas for Writing Articles That Earn Me $100 a Month

Finding your next great idea is easy

6 min readOct 11, 2021


How I Find Fantastic Ideas for Writing My Articles that Earn Me $100 a Month
Photo by Attentie Attentie on Unsplash

Do you want to find great ideas every day that can earn you $100 a month?

Finding your next big idea is thrilling. That’s why we are all looking at various sources that can provide us with fantastic ideas that can earn us $100 a month.

I have been writing regularly for a year now. Initially, I did not know where to find ideas and topics to expand them into great articles.

After a few weeks of continuous writing, I exhausted my ideas depot, and there was only emptiness left. I couldn’t think of a good idea that would trigger my creativity beyond a few sentences.

And the fact was that all my articles failed to garner me $10 a month. I was sad and dejected in this situation, but then everything changed.

I would wonder how people write all these great articles every day for years without stopping.

But, over time, I learned how to generate hundreds of ideas for writing fresh articles every day. Now, I have over a hundred topics ready in the draft that needs to be written.

I am amazed by this turn of the situation. Back then, I had plenty of time to write about anything, but I lacked new ideas. Now, I have plenty of new ideas but no time to write plenty.

Amazingly, I also learned how to turn an idea into earning $100 a month. Now, I write less but earn more.

Read on if you also want to learn how to find your next fantastic idea for writing a $100 article.

I use Google News to generate new ideas

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

Google news is the best platform that provides me with the best ideas about various topics. I read articles on Google News about Covid-19, entrepreneurship, leadership, politics, current affairs, and many other topics.

It’s the best source to get news on various topics. According to Kamil Franek, 280 million people use Google News to get various updates.

I spend a lot of time on topics that fascinate me. Thus, Google finds it easy to recommend only those contents that I read most of the time. The Google algorithm works for you to make it easy to find what interests you.

Google News also provides relevant stories that can help you write your next great article.

I have subscribed to Quora Spaces

Quora is the best platform to search for new ideas. I have subscribed to various Quora Spaces that send me fresh stories and questions published by people.

Surfing Quora helps me find history topics, Corona Virus, books, literature, philosophy, and religion. Whenever I write an article, I search the Quora platform for relevant material that can help enrich my writing.

Quora provides me with different perspectives that help me form my own views on the topics. I read people’s discussions on the questions and the topics published there.

I use Google Search Engine

This may sound stupid, as you would think everybody uses Google, but I use it differently. I use it with various keywords.

Google provides easy access to various pieces of information for free. It works for your benefit.

Whenever I search for a topic, let’s say, “Who was the cruelest man on the earth?”, this gives me multiple threads results I read. But I read only SEO words first or the first paragraph of the article. If that works for me, I read on. Otherwise, I quit it.

But before reading, I searched for many other keywords and compared the results. I search like, “Who the most detested man on earth?” or “Why someone was that cruel” or “Who is known for his cruelty?”. Such searches provide me a wide variety of topics, ideas, and perspectives.

The varieties help me modify my title and the content of the article.

I read books and write on them

Reading books widens your mental horizon. When you read books, you interact with people in history or with people more ahead of you. The authors have read others and formed their own base of ideas and perspectives.

So, while reading books, you get into the minds of thousands of people. An accomplished author might have read hundreds of books, if not thousands. But that’s the least case. Every author is an avid reader, and they can’t help it.

By reading hundreds of books of various authors, who belong to different cultures and geographies, you get a massive pack of ideas every month, if not every day.

I provide a new perspective on those new ideas and thoughts in my own articles. I give them a new perspective because those thoughts in the books help me form my own. Thus, I read a lot and gathered new ideas with no difficulty.

If you want to have new ideas and to write on them, read extensively. Reading helps you too much in forming a perspective and producing quality pieces of writings.

Articles that earned me $100 a month

As I have mentioned, my earlier articles are now dormant. They don’t earn for me; neither had earned much. But my latter articles are doing quite well. They get distributed within the first hour of publication and start earning.

Each of my articles is earning around $100 a month. Some of them have crossed the $100 bar and are still earning after months.

They are evergreen articles, and I believe they will earn passively for years. Because the subject and the ideas I have discussed in them are not aging with time.

I have provided the screenshots below as specimens where you can see them.

Screenshot by Author
Screenshot by Author
Screenshot by Author

How you can write articles that can earn you $100 a month?

Well, that’s easy.

  • All you need is to work on your language. Write in a language that is grammatically correct and persuasive. Your language must have the potential to grip the reader’s attention for a longer time. Lead your readers to the end of your story.
  • Write on topics that you know. But it’s not that necessary. Experience teaches us new things. You should write more about things you know and write less about things you have little knowledge of but write.
  • Over time, you will overcome your shortcomings and will master the topic. Then write on various aspects of that topic. Apply this strategy to writing to write at least one article a week on a new and challenging idea to muster your creativity.
  • Write with ease. Don’t be artificial. Write in your natural style. A natural style has a greater impact on your readers because they associate with you for that.
  • Add credible links to your articles. Links that are not broken or weak. Add sources that provide a base for your claims in your articles.
  • Use an interesting image for your stories that may attract readers.
  • Use “Alt Text” and improve your “SEO” description to gain more views.
  • Submit your articles to suitable publications to get more readership.
  • Start with a compelling question and introduction. Also, provide a satisfying conclusion to articles that the readers may have gained something from your story.

Wrapping it up

There are various ways to find great ideas and turn them into earning articles. The entire universe provides you with a steady stream of ideas. All you need to be keen to pick them and give them a new perspective in your writing.

Ideas have the great potential to inspire people. Even if it failed to rock the internet, it would earn you $100 a month if you did what I discussed in the article.

Develop your style. Write in your genuine style because “the style is the man,” says Buffon, a renowned French writer.

Also, learn the tricks such as effective use of “Alt text” and “SEO” description. Work on your title and subtitle. Provide an interesting start and satisfying end.

