SHORT READ QUICK-QUIZ: How Many Neck Vertebrae in 3 Giraffes?

Here’s a clue, (maybe): A HUMAN HAS SEVEN NECK VERTEBRAE

Fred: Almost Famous


THREE GIRAFFES: photo by author

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As a long-time biologist and life-member of The Royal Society of Biology, facts about animals have always fascinated me … no more so than the question in this article’s title:
* * * * * How Many Neck Vertebrae Are In This Photo of 3 Giraffes? * * * * *

I know, I know … the three giraffes in the photo are wooden carvings and therefore don’t have any vertebrae at all, but let’s get a bit real: If they were real giraffes, how many neck vertebrae would there be in the photo?

And yes, the ‘clue’ in the sub-title line does give you correct information:
Humans do indeed have seven neck vertebrae.

So, my question remains the same … How many vertebrae would there be in this photo of three giraffes (if they were real giraffes)?
(and no ‘google-cheating’ please … stop it! … stop it now!!)

Whilst you are thinking … here’s some ‘giraffe neck info’:

The neck of a giraffe can be eight feet (2.5+ metres) long.|



Fred: Almost Famous

Former International Sci/Ed Advisor. Speaker, Preacher & Song Writer. See 'Index' to Story Collections near-top-of-Home-Page.