How To Bounce Back From a Setback

Tips that work

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Christine Benton on Unsplash

If you are growing in life then you are bound to face setbacks, it’s inevitable as whenever you come out of your comfort zone you’ll realize now you are competing with better people which initially looks like a failure. While at a personal level competing in bigger games itself is a victory, you have to shift your mindset to a more optimistic state. Now let’s discuss if somehow you failed in something and are feeling low, and what exactly you should do to bounce back ASAP.

The first and foremost important thing you need to realize is being successful is quite easy if you are alone as people are always in a state of distractions; they all are craving for instant gratification rather than long-term solid fulfillment. If you step out and become focused on something then you’ll automatically stand out from the crowd.

First, you need to stop blindly following the crowd and doing what they are doing that would be your first thing to do, i.e. not doing what everybody else is doing. Then figuring out what you want to do with your life, a lot of people don’t even know what they are doing, and that’s why they find it difficult to put in all their efforts. Figuring out is also not as hard as it may appear, you need to keep observing what matters are continuously revolving around your head, the problem that keeps you engaged in mind chatter, and solving those problems that keep wasting your time and energy should be the first thing you are going to do.

Now when you figure out what is that which is simply required to be done, then the instant step you are going to do is to start. A lot of people with a plan delay action and don’t even start and don’t succeed; having a plan is just not enough, you’ve to start executing too.

Provide yourself with milestones to achieve and make sure it is realistic, when you complete your task you start to see yourself as a winner and that tends to improve your motivation. In the long run habit of winning at your personal goals will improve your performance and efficiency. You need to give yourself a consistent and frequent small win; don’t focus on big wins, just consistently give yourself small wins.

When you successfully build a momentum of doing work you need to carry that momentum for a longer time to do so you are advised to immerse yourself in deep-focused work; which means a distraction-free work environment for a longer time. You need to change your mindset by associating a worthy pain as a pleasure and a useless pleasure as a pain. You have to make toughness your comfort zone.

When you carry such an attitude for a long you’ll succeed, no matter how difficult your goal is, a plan when executed and put in enough effort is bound to succeed. Also, a single milestone should not be the final goal of your life, you need to keep pushing your limits from time to time to increase your capabilities and to fight for bigger battles. This will not only fill you with a tremendous amount of self-motivation but will also prevent future failures.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up, the most certain way to succeed is to always try just one more time.” — Thomas Edison

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi

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