How to Have Your Articles Instantly Published by Editors

The biggest problems encountered by editors on this platform.

Sabana Grande


As editors, when we see a good article we dab in the middle of a field. Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash.

The title is hyperbolic.

There’s no need for a long intro. You know what you’re here for. Your article that is sure to go viral is currently stuck in some queue while the editors are definitely out partying or drinking and ignoring it. I’ve been there.

That being said, some of your articles get published almost instantly. You may not know this, but some people’s articles get published almost instantly on a consistent basis. And no, I don’t mean that they self-publish. Also, I’m talking about the ILLUMINATION publication here.

Let’s get to the reasons why your article is stuck in the queue.

1. You’re breaking Medium’s terms & conditions

I understand that most people already know this, but you can’t use images without referencing them on Medium, especially if you’ve paywalled your articles. Somebody worked for that image. The least you can do is mention them.

Before becoming an editor at ILLUMINATION, I thought everyone already knew this. This is the No.1 reason articles get stuck in the queue. Images you own must also be captioned.



Sabana Grande

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