Abuse Has No Excuse

How To Stop Your Ex-Partner From Harassing You?

How Having A Child With A Toxic Ex Doesn’t Excuse Unwanted Communication.

Published in
6 min readOct 19, 2021


My good friend is a family lawyer and often she represents men in divorce and custody cases. She has seen many emotionally abusive women. She has seen:

And repeated harassment from ex-partners. When a couple separates, and children are involved too often women continue to harass and intimidate their ex-partner out of spite. Nearly every divorced/separated father, at some point during and after the court, will hear his ex-partner harassing.

Trust me, if it has not happened to you yet, it will. They will be many vicious messages about the child’s clothing, appearance when visiting her father. There will be arguments about the pickup locations.

The mother might try to completely erase you from the child life by:

  • Withholding communication about the child’s school;
  • Withholding information about the child’s medical issues;
  • Making arrangements…




Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!