The Tipping Point Of Change Is Looming, Are You Ready To Act?

Your actions, your words, your energy create evolutionary change

Gregory Reece-Smith


The Tipping Point — Charriot Zhai, Unsplash

Humanity is approaching a tipping point in its evolution. Does the speed of change we are all experiencing excite you? It does me as the fog of the chaos of transition begins to clear.

In seeking to make sense of the transition which is underway I was guided to review two models to create some form from the current swirling mists.

The Tipping Point In The Mayan Calendar

This began with the many pieces written about the “End of Time” in 2012 — or at least this was an interpretation expressed by some with regard to the Mayan calendar.

According to the Toltec/Aztec calendar, which describes larger cycles of time than the Mayan, humanity has been in a transition since July 1991. This was the moment the shift from the Fifth to the Sixth “Sun” began.

A “Sun” is a period of 6625 years in which human consciousness evolves to a new level. During which specific challenges linked to each evolution arise. The Mayan calendar identified the winter solstice of 2012 as the moment the energies of the two Suns were equal.

2021 is the year the Sixth Sun energies become the major influence.

The Fifth Sun was a period of looking outside ourselves for external gratification and conquests. The Sixth Sun (the “White Sun”) is a period of illuminating our inner worlds and unconscious issues which we have avoided for lifetimes. The purpose being to clear out our resistance so that higher consciousness can be our permanent state.

It is also a period in which extremely advanced energy healing and energy handling skills will be manifested by the many walking the conscious path of self-transformation. To do so though will require our energies to be balanced and in harmony, within ourselves and with all of Creation.

Enabling each of us to be the wise men and women we are when we live from our truth.

Guidance says there is no limit to the level of consciousness humanity can create during this period. Hence it is not a question of waiting for others to make Mother Earth a better place.

The Role Of Energy

Rather each of us needs to be our own leader. To make the change through our own actions, not waiting for others to act and then we follow.

Do you feel the “invisible force” of the Creator´s subtle hints and signs prodding you to do so? Science is continuously confirming vibrational energy exists. Beyond that it silently influences everything we do, as well as every one of our encounters.

Energy is the basis of our very existence. It is not positive or negative, it just is. It cannot be created or destroyed, to do so breaches the fundamental laws of physics. Energy can though be transformed and converted.

It was understanding this truth which led me to write “The Seven Secrets To Living In Harmony”.

The book´s core message is that our body is trying to attract our attention to make changes. Asking us to take action to create harmony in our lives.

Every person you meet, connect with will be impacted and affected by you in some way. Your actions, your words, your energy make an evolutionary change.

The events of the past year or so have reminded each of us of how much we are a social species.

When connected to each other we breathe together. Our heartbeats even start to synchronise and our brain wave patterns harmonise. Which means each of us is affected by everyone we are around as you are affecting everyone around you.

Each of us is therefore in a place of choice.

To either stay at the effect of others or decide to make a conscious choice about how you would like to make others feel. around you

You just need to be the person you are seeking. This is how humanity evolves — through our individual actions, or in-actions.

The Tipping Point Of Humanity´s Chakras

Each of us chooses whether to create harmony or dis-harmony in our lives.

By aligning yourself with the energy, or essence, of what you wish to achieve you attract it.

And the nature of the next stage in human evolution that is looming?

My answer is to look to the energy centres of humanity, its chakras. An overview of each of the seven prime ones is in my story “How To Live A Life Of Harmony”.

Each chakra is associated with an area of our body, a quality of behaviour and often certain emotions. My historical perspective is an excess of these are apparent when humanity is at the tipping point for the next stage in its evolution.

For example, an excess of restriction and structure leads to a desire for flexibility and freedom. Swinging from one end of the spectrum to the other.

This flow from chakra to chakra for me is an essential part of the rhythm of human evolution. Though it does not mean the chakras of each person align with that of humanity. Far from it, each of has our own journey and so issues represented by our chakras to address.

Whilst writing this story I felt tweaks in my lower back — the root chakra calling!

The Chakra Model

The seven prime energy centres are:

1. Root Chakra

The focus of the root chakra is safety, survival and structure. This was most evident in the first half of the 20th century with its world wars, economic depression and challenges to match food production to the demands of the populace.

Similar challenges were evident during the 18th century with its agricultural and industrial revolutions.

2. Sacral Chakra

The restrictive nature of the 1950s was followed by the desire for freedom. The sacral area is about discovering relationships and being flexible in the way we control our external environment.

The motivation of the sacral is to survive financially and physically, to be able and willing to take risks, to have the resilience to recover from any loss. It governs our creativity, sense of pleasure and well-being as well as our sex drive. Recognise the 1960s? There are similarities to experiences in the 17th century.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus is about how we accept and use our personal power. It therefore combines both the physical as well as feelings/insights, especially about your relationship with yourself, humanity´s with humanity.

This led to people in the 1980s demanding personal gratification, the individual focusing on power, money and wealth. Very similar to the mid-19th century.

4. Heart Chakra

Humanity´s physical and spiritual feelings come together in the heart chakra. This is where we feel about our internal world — the emotional responses to our own thoughts, ideas, attitudes, and inspiration.

This is the core of our energetic frequency and the root of all emotional and energetic healing. Hence the profusion of healing modalities in the 1990s as people began to seek means to overcome the restriction of their emotions. Spirituality began to be re-explored as a means to bring more awareness and feeling into our lives.

The heart is the focal point or bridge connecting the first three chakras relating to the external world to the three higher chakras associated with intuition and spirituality. The Renaissance was at its height in the 15th century.

More on the similarities between the Black Death, the current pandemic and their respective Grand Conjunctions between Saturn and Jupiter can be found in: Transition Is Underway. Have You Chosen What You Desire To Create?

5. Throat Chakra

The energy of your throat radiates down to your heart and up towards the third eye. It is the influencer of communication through self-expression, creativity and truth. When in balance this energy vortex is a powerhouse of transformation and purification. For this you must speak with love and kindness.

The 2000s built on the energy of love expanded in the previous decade to communicate it to all. Hence the explosion of the internet and social media. Everyone has the means to express themselves through many channels of communication. After only 50 years of printing, by 1500 more than 9 million books had been printed — the flow information was less restricted.

6. Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is responsible for how you perceive your world. It embodies the link between your mind and the outer world, your ability to see both your inner and outer worlds. Allowing you and humanity to experience clarity of thought and self-reflection.

Humanity is at this tipping point of insight, wisdom and discernment. What we think of as psychic information is processed through the third eye.

Awakening the third eye allows you to open to intuitive sensibility and inner perception. It goes beyond the physical senses into the realm of subtle energies, combining reason and intuition. Being in balance.

The third eye is also associated with accelerated spiritual growth, positive attitudes, and a more generous and humanitarian attitude towards life. Known as your sixth sense, it helps you remember the dreamer is always greater than their dream. The Theosophical Society was founded in 1875 — indicating an increased interest in spirituality just prior to World War I

Humanity is currently transiting from the throat to the third eye chakra, from isolation and separation to the unity of connection. A situation similar to Europe after the Black Death when people and villages had isolated themselves to survive.

An event not dis-similar to the Covid pandemic, for it has helped humanity appreciate connection to our fellow humans. Which has helped accelerate its approach to the Fifth Dimension.

7. Crown Chakra

When our crown chakra is balanced, we feel connected to our Higher Self. We can easily access our inner wisdom, feel connected to others and life, and see the bigger picture. Feeling a sense of serenity and wholeness despite what is happening around us.

The state the Sixth Sun is seeking. Achievement of which depends on the actions we take to first create the balanced state of the third eye.

Whilst individuals have achieved access to enlightenment through a clear crown chakra, this will be a new state of evolution for humanity. It has been near, though never before will it have aligned with the crown chakra

Are you ready to act to assist humanity pass the next tipping point, to reach the permanent state of consciousness of the Sixth Sun?

More on the waypoints over the coming three years or so of this rolling transformation as we move from the age of Pisces to Aquarius, can be found in my story Do You Still Want To Play A Part In Creating A New Earth?”.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this story to others you love.

To Taking Action


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory´s mission is to inspire others to lead, find their inner strength, and connect feelings they may have repressed. Upsetting people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.