I Did Yoga For 30 Days — Here Are My Results

Yoga Has Changed My Life, So Can Yours

Misha Naraniya
4 min readAug 7, 2023


March and April 2022 were the toughest months. I was stressed and unhappy. I just wanted to toss and turn in my bed because I didn’t want to meet anyone. I used to pretend in front of my family that I am okay. I used to eat, laugh, and talk to my family but I was not happy inside.

I felt like someone was tearing me apart inside. This had never happened to me before.

And then, after 2.5 months, the second half of May brought me immense happiness.

I just wanted to go out and find myself again, so I went on a trip, and it was my best-ever trip because I got to know the Self-love concept.

I used to go for morning walks with my sister in a garden every day, and there I learned about Yoga. A Yoga instructor was teaching Yoga to her students.

Being excited, We, too, attended her class (it was free).

She was a great teacher, I must say.

She told, how Yoga can change your life completely (360 degrees).

Yoga keeps one’s body and mind relaxed. It reduces the level of stress. Yoga keeps us healthy and fit. We can achieve a perfect body if we apply it in our daily life. When we are in a state of stress then Yoga makes us relax and improves positivity.

And guess what??

I learned some asanas from her.

Initially, I made some mistakes. I didn’t start with a warm-up. But I had no worries as my Yoga teacher was there.

Before starting Yoga one should always start with some warm-up (Actually every kind of workout needs a warm-up).

5–10 minutes of warm-up is enough.

How To Start Yoga

Yoga is not just an exercise but more than that. When you do Yoga, you can strengthen your body and calm your mind.

When my teacher showed me the world of yoga closely for the first time, I came to know that it is not just an exercise but a wonderful process of weaving your whole body, i.e. mind, body, and soul, into one thread.
You separate yourself from this outer world and connect with your inner world.

Various types of asanas in yoga provide flexibility not only to your body but also provide a gust of freshness to your mind and soul.

And I have felt all this myself.

Whenever I do yoga, new freshness, and new energy are transmitted from the inside me, due to which I feel very happy with my body, mind, and soul, and my whole day remains positive.

She taught me that you should start with Pranayama.

Pranayama is not just a posture, It is a wonderful way to connect with the Universe, a way to express our gratitude towards them.

In this posture, Sit down with crossed legs, close your eyes, and hands must be folded in Namaste. Do breathe in and breathe out. This session is about 2 minutes.

After that, You can do warm-ups. As I said before, without warm-ups, You can’t do any workouts, not even Yoga. So it is a must to do warmups.

I personally prefer Surya-Namaskar, which has 12 postures, one by one. It’s a perfect warm-up. I feel light and my body becomes flexible after doing Surya-Namaskar.

Now it’s time do to the Yoga asanas.

Breathing is an essential part of Yoga, so make sure where to breathe in and where to breathe out. As it not only helps you stay focused but also helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

Yoga Postures I like the most

There are various Yoga Asanas. It’s all up to you, but I would like to suggest starting with easy Yoga Asanas. Because these are easy to do and won’t hurt your body anyway.

If it is your first day, then select only 3 or 4 Asanas. You shouldn’t do many Asanas in one go.

Start with light warm-ups followed by 3–4 asanas, then gradually increase.

Here are some Asanas that I love:

  1. Pranayama
  2. Vrikasana (Tree Pose)
  3. Naukasana (Boat Pose)
  4. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
  5. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
  6. Pavanamuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)
  7. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward- Facing- Dog)
  8. Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose)
  9. Bhujangasana (Kobra Pose)
  10. Padahasta Asana (Hand to Foot Forward Bend Pose)
  11. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
  12. Virbhadrasana (Warrior Pose)
  13. Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
  14. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)
  15. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Here are the Benefits I get

When I visited my friend, she said, ‘Wow! You’re looking so graceful, vibrant, and energetic, and your skin is so glowing.

What do you do? What do you eat?’ Tell Me!

I laughed, and said, ‘I have a magic wand.

She lightly hit me!

All this happened because of Yoga.’

‘Really?’ She was Surprised.

Yes! Yoga!

I started yoga only for 30 days but now it has become an integral part of my daily routine.

Because I started feeling the difference after 5 days in my mind and body and this continues till today.

  • Yoga has changed my life completely.
  • Ever since I started doing yoga, I felt blissful throughout the day.
  • Stress is far away from me.
  • My body has become fit, and my mind has become calm.
  • My thought process has been changed from Negative to Positive.
  • My sleep has become better.

I do Yoga daily for the betterment of my mind, body, and soul. For completely myself. As I’ve always said that self — love is important. So Yoga is a big part of self—love.

I will always keep Yoga as top priority rather than other workouts like crunches, lunges, pilates, weightlifting, and plank.

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Misha Naraniya

Blogger! Freelance Content Writer! Co-author! Writing is my Passion! Coffee Lover! Join my newsletter here: https://mishanwrites.substack.com/