Iboga To Reprogram My Charachter? I Tried It!

My Self-Development Journey

Alina Pitt


Shamanic Lady At Iboga Fire Ceremony
Shamanic Lady At Iboga Fire Ceremony, created by hotpot.ai

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A few years ago, I got into the space of biohacking, and I tried out many substances but Iboga will always have a special place for me. It was not only the first substance that I microdosed, but it was also the substance that helped me the most to reprogram my old self and create a new character. This substance was a fantastic tool to assist me in changing for the better.

What Is Iboga?

Iboga is a plant from the forests of Central Africa, to be exact it is a shrub and it has been used for rituals and ceremonial purposes in some African cultures for centuries and maybe even longer. It has wild hallucinogenic effects.

It feels a bit like DMT but the primary psychoactive component is not dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Instead, ibogaine and other alkaloids are responsible for the psychedelic effect on the body and brain.



Alina Pitt

Alina is a writer, yoga teacher, digital nomad, ex-marketing and sales manager. She escaped the 9-5 rat race and became a microdosing and biohacking advocate.