Illumination Rumination

If I Wasn’t a Writer — I Would Be a Fighter Pilot

Or maybe a firefighter. Oh wait, I did that already

Timothy Key
Published in
6 min readApr 17, 2020


Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

This article is in response to a writing challenge posed by Sherry McGuinn answering the question — “What would you be if you weren’t a writer?”

This challenge was made within the ILLUMINATION publication, but I am choosing to pull in some of those outside the publication as an extension of Sherry’s challenge. So, if you have no idea why you were tagged in this, or what in the world is going on, that is why.

Without further ado, if I wasn’t a writer, I would be a fighter pilot. But before we get into that story, I need to lead with this one:

Before I was a writer, I was a firefighter.

I spent 26 years in the fire service, two as volunteer then 24 professional full-time years. I worked in a variety of roles including firefighter, fire engine driver, paramedic, fire engine captain, division chief in charge of EMS, assistant chief over a variety of divisions and also interim fire chief. The big boss. Which, in a city fire department is really just a middle manager in the city services, but the title is cool: THE Fire Chief.



Timothy Key

Retired from fire service after 26 years. Writer and world traveler. I believe compassion, grace and gratitude are contagious and should be spread liberally.