Health and wellness. BreakFree. IntrovertWorld

Introducing BreakFree: I launched a new online community on YouTube.

Formal introduction and welcome message to BreakFree.

Wambui Njuguna


BreakFree’s banner.
Photo: Author on Canva

I created my first online community, IntrovertWorld, to help introverts redefine themselves.

I hoped to achieve this by helping lift off the limiting beliefs introverts grew accustomed to through the wrongful definition of introversion.

Common misjudgments and misconceptions of introversion can affect introverts’ view of themselves and their abilities, creating a limited self that leads to an unfulfilling life and blocking their full potential.

By addressing these issues and providing evidence-backed definitions and insights of the introvert personality trait, I hoped [still do] to help introverts live to their full potential.

I created BreakFree with the same goal in mind.

Often the tools we use to navigate through life are not the unique tools we should use, and I hope to help someone live a more fulfilling life full of limitless potential by unlocking these tools.

The aforementioned tools include but are not limited to our values.

Everything we do, whether we know it or not, we do because it aligns with something we believe in; our values.

Choices come along everyday, and we can begin to weave values into them. Whenever we make a choice, whether it’s as big as getting married or as small as an argument with a friend, we are driven by our values, whether they are high or low.

If these choices work out well for us, then our values are in alignment with our actions. But when things don’t work out, its worth revisiting what drove the decisions you made. -Jay Shetty. Think like a Monk.

The origin of our values is worth looking into.

Are the values we developed as we grew, or are they values influenced and imposed on us by external influences?

If you value something because someone expects you to have it, you should consider a re-evaluation. Similarly, if your goals are imparted to you by your environment and do not align with you, you should re-evaluate them.

Gaining inspiration from our external surroundings is good for development; copying what we see blindly is self-sabotage.

Our unique values help us navigate life easily because they arise from our unique and natural strengths.

The motivation and inspiration behind both communities is my life.

I lived effortlessly (not the Wu-Wei way) four years ago) and on auto-pilot. I was unproductive, physically dormant, and hated my life. I didn’t strive for much but the mere fundamentals of existence (food and sleep). I was 18; someone else provided those basic needs.

At 21, I am a productive writer and fitness enthusiast who strives to achieve moderation and balance throughout life.

Four years ago, I wouldn’t think I could achieve half the things I do today. If I could give a theme to my transformation, I would call it breaking free, and that is what I’d love to share with other people.

I broke free from what I believed I was incapable of as an introvert and challenged everything around me, digging myself out of a hole I put myself in, in the first place and restructuring myself.

I would love to help people see their environment (everything around you, both tangible and intangible) from an unbiased view and use it to nurture themselves, be in sync with it, master it, develop oneness with the universe, and with that find limitless opportunities and growth potential within it.

Join BreakFree on YouTube. Like my intro video and subscribe to become part of the community.

Join four new subscribers on IntrovertWorld since the last edition on Friday: You are not your personality!

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Wambui Njuguna

Compiling my first book, How to develop a healthy relationship with your environment, in my newsletter. Get access: