LIFE: Changes Are Inevitable

Angel Joy
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2020

Let's create a chain, don't break chain , let's do it . #Challenge accepted.

Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash

Alena Powell challenged me first to answer a series of questions about the pandemic lock-down. I know I’ve been tagged in this challenge by others. I’ve been so busy and then forgot to do it. Well, now it’s time to get it done.

From Alena Powell intro:

Tim Maudlin is the first to challenge me to answer a series of questions about the ‘rona and how I am handling the pandemic lock down’. This is in response from Keno Ogbo, who wrote 12 Questions to Make Sense of Your Lock down Moments.

I’m not intended to break the chain . So Here I go,

1. What have you missed the most during in lock down?

It’s of course freedom , to wander everywhere without restrictions. The freedom to see anyone, to drive anywhere. I miss those things a lot.

2. What’s the best thing about being in lock down?

The best thing is, i got time to spend with my family , usually a big break from my daily routine.

3. What has been the worst thing about being in lock down?

I used to have a habit of working out or going to gym in every morning . But during lock down i got slightly heavier. It’s the worst part as far as i can say.

4. Who would you have liked to host in your home during the lock down and why?

My brother , he is in another place and he can’t be able to reach home because of current situation. He is so Caring and amusing and i miss those incredible rides with my brother. Hopefully soon everything will be back to normal.

5. What have you discovered about yourself in lock down?

I found a writer who is lurked inside me.

6. What did you eat (or drink) the most during the lock down?

Lots of chocolate, home made cakes( may be a whole one within hours).

7. Apart from sleeping and working, what activities did you undertake the most during the lock down?

Reading and writing ! This lock down gave me a splendid opportunity to brush-up my ideas to write, which i left somewhere amid duty hours.

Priory, it’s a fact that I’m not a daily reader. But lock down changed me a lot.

8.Will you come out of lock down heavier or lighter?

Oops…no doubt … heavier.

9.What resource has helped you the most during the lock down?

It’s obviously internet . It helped me a lot to do my works , get in touch with my friends and family.

10.What is your top tip for other people in lock down right now?

Take a break from everything that disturbs you. Find time to love your family, parents, children, friends and so on. Help your family members in doing their stuffs. Stay safe.

11.How has lock down changed you?

Two changes happened :

One : it given me a new insight to write. Sometimes it could change someone’s life.

Two: changes huh!… got heavier.

12.If you were to leave a ‘message in a bottle’ for the future, what would you say?

Everything has a meaning , even this lock down can change you and can give you a new meaning to life.

I couldn’t end this story without including an acronym. From the first word in the title, here is my acronym for LIFE.

L- ife

I -s

F- ull of

E -xperiences

Thank you to Alena Powell for challenging me, I enjoyed it a lot ! I also would like to challenge some of our writers to take part and to thank those who have already provided such rich insights into life in lock down.

Here it is : Tim Denning , Matt Lillywhite , Desiree Driesenaar , Dr Mehmet Yildiz , Joe Duncan, Elizabeth Lakewood, J. C. Smullen, YUSUF KRANDA, M. Philip Oliver, Joe Lu, Timothy Key, Marla J. Albertie, Albert Schmidt, Renay Intisar Jihad, M. MAHIR TAJWAR, Martha Pascual, Mike Schoenhofer, MSW, Mirek Gosney, Apeksha Rao, Marian Baz, Vinia Majaba, Heather Sweeney, Shental Rohan , Suntonu Bhadra, Sarah Louise Capper, Saloni Joshi, Scott Perry, Aleksandra Hadzic, Matthew John, John Wick, Salonista Cynthia, Caitlin O'Halloran, Lanu Pitan, Jane Tawel, Daniely Felipsen, Felipe Sanchez, Brandon Gaydorus, John K Adams, G.R. MELVIN, Colin Horgan, Anthony Iannarino, Niklas Göke, Ksenia Sein, Hollie Petit, Ph.D., Zidor, Amy Marley, Terry Mansfield, Marcus Musick, Deborah Horton .

Please tag us in so that we can read.

Thank you for reading ☺



Angel Joy

Inspiring the world through personal development and entrepreneurship |Blogger| . Writer in 7+ publication. Reach me on 👉 my