Lost to consistency :(

Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2023

No shame in admitting that I was inconsistent!

Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

I have misjudged the power of “One step at a time”!

Consistency is often heralded as the cornerstone of success, a vital trait that helps us achieve our goals and maintain a sense of order in our lives.

I was writing on medium, almost twice/thrice a week in the months of Feb and March. But, I got disheartened after learning that, “Medium Partner Program” is not for Indians!!

Hence, I focused on something else. Did I lose consistency? Absolutely “YES”.

But to me, not showing up for a few days is not “inconsistency”.

Image by Author

Showing up everyday is “GRIT”.

Our priorities tend to change over time. Our experiences, circumstances, and personal growth contribute to reshaping what matters most to us. What might have been a top priority at one point in our lives may take a backseat to new aspirations, responsibilities, and values as we move forward.

Is that the right way to live? Well, I am not experienced enough (just a mid-20s guy) to answer that. Someone with 80 years of life experience (mixed with both positive and negative) will be able to either contradict or agree with me on this.

I always believe that, “Change is the only constant”. Change is inevitable.

Life-altering events, such as a health issues, family issues, the loss of a loved one, or economic upheaval, bring sudden clarity to what truly matters in our lives.

But, as our priorities transform, it’s crucial rather critical to be compassionate with ourselves and avoid self-judgment. Instead of holding onto rigid expectations or comparing our priorities to others (we are humans and we are allowed to do that), we should embrace the fluidity of life and acknowledge that our journey is unique (though nobody does that, except stoics).

Periodically reassessing our priorities can be a beneficial practice. Taking the time to reflect on what truly matters to us and realigning our actions accordingly ensures that we stay on a path that resonates with our current values and aspirations.

Now, coming back to consistency.

Consistency offers the comfort of familiarity. Predictable routines and well-trodden paths instill a sense of security and reduce anxiety. Familiarity can be soothing amidst the chaos of daily life, offering us a sense of control and balance.

I have been seeing my Dad, walking up 5am everyday and going for jogs. Every single day, throughout the year. Yes, this is consistency, I believe.

Yet, there is a thin line between productive consistency and the peril of complacency. When we become too comfortable with the status quo, we may inadvertently stunt our growth and potential. Complacency breeds reluctance to take risks, explore new opportunities, or challenge ourselves to venture outside our comfort zones. It poses a grave danger to personal development.

To end, change is an inherent part of life, and our priorities are no exception. Embracing the evolving nature of our priorities allows us to adapt, grow, and find deeper fulfillment in various stages of our journey.

Don’t feel bad, if you have lost to consistency. We have a long way to go!

