Medium Is a Social Media Platform

Only nicer

I, Napoleon B.


Medium Is a Social Media Platform, Only nicer. IN photo, little girl looked surprised.
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

I have been spending more of my time on Medium. As a writer, I need to read as much as I can. Here on Medium, the range of topics is as vast as the Universe, a metaphor. What I want to say is, I like it here. It is a nice place.

The essence of a social media platform is kinship. While there are two types of people here, the writer and the reader. Most of us, are both the writer and the reader. It is a community, while we don’t post random updates about our lives. We don’t share personal information or photos, or we don’t call each other as friends. We support each other.

Medium Is a Social Media Platform, Only nicer. In photo, air balloon.
Photo by Ravs Yan on Unsplash

We follow people, yes, we follow them for their writing. But we also follow them because we like them, or at least, we like what they say. The storytellers here come from different backgrounds, we are a diverse group of people.

We lift people, by encouraging them to keep on writing. We engage, by leaving a comment or a clap which is like a tap on the shoulder.

One more thing, we get paid for what we share. We are rewarded for our words and our work. While money is an incentive, it is not everything. Medium gives us a place to be…



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: