Editor Profiles

Meet Dr. John Frederick Rose

Consulting Editor of Illumination Integrated Publications.

Published in
6 min readMar 14, 2022


mage courtesy of Dr John Frederick Rose

Dear readers and writers,

In this post, we introduce Dr John Frederick Rose, who has returned to Illumination as a writer and consulting editor for Illumination Integrated Publications. J

John’s journey at Medium started in 2020. In addition to his consulting role, he currently focuses on reviewing stories at Illumination-Curated, designed for experienced and accomplished writers on Medium.

John was educated at Scots College, Bellevue Hill in Sydney. In 1969 he started a dual degree in Science (graduated 1972) and Engineering (graduated 1974) at the University of Sydney. He majored in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.

In 2011, John started a PhD candidacy at the University of Technology Sydney. He graduated with a PhD on May 2016. His research outcome was the “Collaborative Wellness System (CWS)”. CWS focussed on the analysis and improvement of human-centric knowledge creation processes.

In John’s engineering career, writing and presentation have been critical skills for developing and sharing ideas with students and stakeholders. J




Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 31,000+ writers. Apply via https://digitalmehmet.com/contact