Minimalism Will Help You To Get Rid of Ego Too

Ego loves ignorance

Durgesh Chandrawanshi
2 min readJun 11, 2024


Photo by mariel reiser on Unsplash

Minimalism is a lifestyle trend that I consider worth following, it simply means a way of living that is characterized by extreme simplicity and prioritization. In our day-to-day life, if we follow a minimalistic approach, we’ll save the time that once used to get wasted on finding things, figuring out tasks, and clearing out insignificant hustle.

When you adopt a minimalistic lifestyle, you only allow those things, people, and events in your life that are important and eliminate all the trivial things. When you start to live with such a level of sharpness, you'll soon feel better and experience more freedom than before.

There’s another benefit of minimalism that isn't that popular; when you start to eliminate all the things and people that don't hold any significance in your existence, you simultaneously dissolve your ego. Minimalism also helps you in your spiritual journey, as it’ll clear your mindset and make you more peaceful than before.

Have you noticed that all the spiritual seekers who are known to realize some truth have something in common with them? They all were extremely precise about the things, people, and thoughts they allowed in their lives. They only allow those things that help them in their journey and eliminate even the tiniest obstacle that hinders their growth.

Our ego strives for falseness and loves messing things around and as you start to acknowledge the presence of useless things in your life; eventually you’ll realize the purposeless things of your mind too. The ego itself is a pointless entity of our mind and when we clear accumulated trash of our mind we will also get rid of ego and ignorance.

“Everything is possible but everything is not necessary” -Arvo Part

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Durgesh Chandrawanshi

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