My ideal imaginary dinner

Timothy Key proposed a writing exercise on the theme: “Who would you invite to dinner?” for Illumination .

Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2020


Photo by Juliette F on Unsplash

Here is my list:

- Esmeralda Weatherwax (a character from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld)

- Lucifer (from the eponymous series)

- Dr. House (from the eponymous series)

- Hans Rosling

- Steven Pinker

Esmeralda Weatherwax is one of the leading characters on Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.

For me, she represents the very essence of female independence, strength, and self-giving.

“Witches are not by nature gregarious, at least with other witches, and they certainly don’t have leaders. Granny Weatherwax was the most highly-regarded of the leaders they didn’t have

Granny Weatherwax practices “headology,” a form of psychology that consists of imposing one’s will by the sole force of one’s conviction.

*Why did this character resonate in me? *

A few years ago, I wrote a letter to Granny asking her to give me some of her strength. I was an “Agnes Nitt” (a young witch in the…




Born in Casablanca, living in the suburb of Paris, mom of 2, Senior Manager in Tech, Passionate about Self Improvement, Happiness and Productivity