Painful Questions People Have When They Find out My Wife Is Asian

“That’s what happens when you live with and spend too much time with rednecks. You see a different race and get scared.”

Tim Denning
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2022


Image Credit: Author (me and my wife)

People think I have an addiction to naughty Asian sites.

When I got married to my Asian wife, a former colleague said to me over Zoom, so you have an Asian girl fetish?

Apparently, there’s some trend of white guys like me marrying Asian women. If there is then I haven’t seen it. It’s likely a mass over-exaggeration, like most things on social media.

If you enter a mixed-race relationship, expect these dumb remarks.

Here are a few more.

So she’s a doctor, lawyer, or engineer right? Right?

I’m pretty sure not every Asian person is a doctor, lawyer, or engineer last time I checked.

Yet I get asked this question a lot.

Unfortunately for me, my wife meets the stereotype as she’s an engineer. She got inspired by her father who engineered some great landmarks across Asia.

Some of the smartest Asians I know work in hospitality. They don’t meet the stereotype, and they don’t care…



Tim Denning

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