Resurrection After Death (1): Is it Possible?

Do You Have Doubts About Resurrection? Qur’an answers.

Rational Belief
7 min readOct 18, 2023


In the Name of Allah (God), the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate

And he coins a comparison for Us, having forgotten his own origin and creation, saying, “Who will give life to these bones when they have rotten away?”
(Qur’an, 36/78)

Belief in Islam

There are six essentials of belief in Islam, namely:

1 — Belief in the Existence and Unity of God
2 — Belief in Angels
3 — Belief in Revelations
4 — Belief in Prophets
5 — Belief in Resurrection and Hereafter
6 — Belief in Destiny

There are countless proofs and evidence for each of them. We have already provided several proofs for the Existence and Unity of God here on Medium. We will, insha’Allah (God willing), continue providing more proofs for each of them.

Proofs of God

16 stories

In this article, we will present several arguments from the Qur’an for the resurrection after death.

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Why is Belief in Resurrection Important?

Why is the belief in resurrection important? Well, people may question why they should believe in God and follow His orders, even if He existed. The belief in resurrection is the answer.

For example, why should you know and follow the law and rules of the country you are living in? Because if you didn’t, there would be consequences. That is why it is important and the responsibility of everyone living in a country to know the law and rules and follow them. You cannot avoid bad consequences with excuses like “I didn’t know” after breaking a rule.

Similarly, if God resurrects us after death to establish justice and rewards or punishes us for allour actions, then it is of utmost importance to know God and his orders and laws and follow them. Otherwise, we could face bad consequences and our lack of unbiased research wouldn’t be an acceptable excuse.

Is Resurrection Possible?

After people die, their bodies get disintegrated and rotten. Eventually, they are recycled back into the soil. People may wonder how it will be possible to bring those bodies back to life.

Once Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (PBUH), was inviting people to Islam. An unbeliever came with a rotten bone, smashed it into pieces and threw it into the air. Then (rhetorically) asked the following:

And he coins a comparison for Us, having forgotten his own origin and creation, saying, “Who will give life to these bones when they have rotten away?”
(Qur’an, 36/78)

Allah (the God) revealed, at least, 7 clear responses in the last 7 verses of the 36th chapter of the Holy Qur’an (Qur’an, 36/77–83). These verses clearly demonstrate how resurrection is possible, reasonable, easy, and necessary.

*** In this article, we will have a very brief look into the first 5 out of 7 verses to keep it short. We will soon discuss the last 2 verses in another article, insha’Allah (God willing).

Let’s begin with the first response.

1st Verse

Has human not considered that We have created him from (so slight a beginning as) a drop of (seminal) fluid? Yet, he turns into an open, fierce adversary (selfishly disputing against the truth).
(Qur’an, 36/77)

How absurd it is to claim that resurrection and revival of disintegrated bones is impossible, while in reality we are being created from a tiny drop of seminal fluid. Our creation from a sperm is much more complicated and difficult than our creation from rotten away bones. Since the former (i.e., creation from a sperm) is possible and is happening every day, then the latter (i.e., resurrection and revival of rotten bones) is also possible and much easier.

This verse also points out the origin of human from a seminal fluid, which requires humbleness. Then what does human’s selfishness, pride and enmity to God rely on?

2nd Verse

And he coins a comparison for Us, having forgotten his own origin and creation, saying, “Who will give life to these bones when they have rotten away?”
(Qur’an, 36/78)

The verse points out that people who selfishly dispute against resurrection have forgotten/ignored and haven’t used their minds and intellects to truly consider their creation.

The particles and ingredients that make up our body were lifeless particles and objects spread out all over the world. Then these lifeless particles were collected and our bodies were constructed and revived through processes we call as pregnancy and birth. To be able to claim that resurrection of dead bodies or rotten bones is impossible, an unbeliever must first deny his first creation from lifeless particles, which is contradictory to reality.

The reason for the confusions of unbelievers is not the lack of evidence, as they claim, but their lack of remembering, thinking and understanding their own origin.

3rd Verse

Say: “He Who produced them in the first instance will give them life. He has full knowledge of every (form and mode and possibility of) creation (and of everything He has created, He knows every detail in every dimension of time and space).”
(Qur’an, 36/79)

The unbeliever’s question to the Prophet (PBUH) started with Who ...?”.

You didn’t exist, Someone constructed and produced you in the first instance. So, whoever has done that in the first instance, then He can surely do it again. Especially when He has full knowledge of every tiny detail of all of the creation. This knowledge is clearly apparent in all creation.

The existence of a smart phone is clear evidence that the company that has made it must have extensive knowledge about every aspect and functionality of the phone. Similarly, the existence of every creature is clear evidence that their Creator, God, has full knowledge of their every tiny detail.

Since God has created us once and since He has full knowledge of His creation, then He can easily and surely resurrect us again.

4th Verse

He Who has made for you fire from the green tree, and see, you kindle fire with it.
(Qur’an, 36/80)

Since the objection was about giving life to lifeless things, this verse gives the example of a green tree, on which two different forms of life are manifested.

Firstly, Allah makes living trees from lifeless mud (in addition to air and light). Secondly, He takes the life out of it and it becomes dry wood. Then we kindle it, and Allah gives it heat, which is another life-like quality which we call as fire.

These are excellent examples of lifeless and disintegrated and rotten away particles being constructed into certain bodies and revived in front of our eyes to demonstrate and warn us about our own resurrection. Then how can one deny the possibility of resurrection after death?

5th Verse

Is not He Who has created the heavens and the earth able to create (from rotten bones) the like of them (whose bones have rotted under the ground)? Surely He is; He is the Supreme Creator, the All-Knowing.
(Qur’an, 36/81)

Allah brings the example of creation of the heavens and the earth (i.e., the universe), which clearly proves that they have a Supreme Creator who must be All-Wise, All-Powerful, and All-Knowing.

Creation of the heavens and the Earth requires much more Knowledge, Wisdom, and Power than our creation or resurrection. The One who has created the heavens and the Earth undoubtedly is able to resurrect us. Therefore, claiming that resurrection after death is impossible is more absurd than denying the existence of the heavens and the Earth.

We will suffice with these 5 responses from 5 verses for this article to keep it short. We will continue with the last 2 verses of 36th chapter of the Qur’an, which is Surah Yaseen, which focus on how easy, reasonable and necessary the resurrection and the afterlife are. Below is an English translation of those verses for your reference.

When He wills a thing to be, He but says to it “Be!” and (in the selfsame instant) it is. So, All-Glorified is He in Whose Hand is the absolute dominion of all things, and to Him you are being brought back.
(Qur’an, 36/82–83)


In conclusion, through a series of compelling responses, the Qur’an demonstrates how resurrection after death is as possible, easy and reasonable as our current existence in the universe. It draws parallels between the creation of life from a tiny drop of seminal fluid, the renewal of life in nature, and the intricate design of the universe, all of which highlight the power of the Creator to bring about resurrection. It also points out how baseless, confused, arrogant and childish are the objections of unbelievers against the possibility of resurrection.

This belief in resurrection serves as a cornerstone of faith in Islam, emphasizing the accountability and justice that come with life after death.

… To be continued …

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