Seek Discomfort To Overcome Your Fears and Live Your Best Life

Sonam Lama
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2021


Photo by Graham Covington on Unsplash

Every success that I have ever achieved in my life, has come from some form of discomfort, pain, failure, or challenge. One of my favorite quotes that I live by is from, Sivaprakash Sidhu,

Everything you want is on the other side of your comfort zone and the other side is fear

Also, another one of my favorites is from Ross Perro,

Success is on the razor’s edge of failure

Discomfort is something that we are all faced with every day. Whether to exercise or just push it off until tomorrow. The decision to make that tough phone call or have that difficult conversation ripe with conflict and confrontation. The decision to stop that habit, that vice that we know deep down inside is taking us slowly farther and farther away from our goal, from who we truly are.

I’m sure you resonated with one or all of the examples I just mentioned above. The reason is that, as humans, we are all wired to seek safety, comfort, stability and once we have it, our fight-or-flight reptilian brain shuts off and leaves us to enjoy our life filled with pleasure, fun, and laziness.



Sonam Lama

I am a creator, writer, peak performance coach, consultant & entrepreneur. I help others achieve inner peace, form better habits, and become more productive.