Still Self-Sabotaging? Let’s Tackle That TOGETHER!

Your path to victory starts here

Vicky Hughes


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like you were holding back from reaching your full potential? Standing right on the edge of your God-given dreams but hesitating to take the leap?

Self-sabotage is a formidable foe when it comes to stepping into the fullness of all we were created to be. I wrote about it and some ways to break free from its trap in my last article HERE.

In the tapestry of life, we all encounter those moments where we know what God has called us to do and have a choice to make. We stand on that precipice of potential, peering into the unknown. These moments often bring us face to face with our own doubts, fears, and the ever-persistent voice of self-sabotage that comes in so many different guises. I know you’ve been there. ;-)

But what if, instead of succumbing to these internal adversaries, we chose to confront them head-on? What if we made a solemn commitment to pursue our God-given purpose with unyielding passion?

Things CAN Change!



Vicky Hughes

Kingdom entrepreneur, writer, speaker, dream catalyst & coach. Founder @; a global movement of women dreaming big in God!