Stoicism for Tough Times

Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2023

How to Find Strength in Adversity

Photo by Magnus Andersson on Unsplash

You want to give up? Please do so.

But before that, please listen up.

Life can be tough. No matter how much we prepare, unexpected events can come crashing down on us, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and helpless.

When we face tough times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. We may feel like we have no control over our circumstances, and that there’s nothing we can do to change our situation.

Here comes Stoicism. The ancient philosophy of Stoicism can offer a way to find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

It reminds us that we always have control over our thoughts, our reactions, and our attitudes. By focusing on what we can control, we can find strength and resilience even in the most challenging of circumstances.

“Don’t give me that sh*t. I am already going through a lot”. — Sounds familiar?

Let’s consider these scenarios:

  • You have lost your job due to recession. You have applying to multiple companies but not getting any positive response or ghosted every time.
  • You are in dire financial crisis, and don’t have a way forward. Your parents are old, and they are dependent on you.
  • Your spouse or child is suffering due to some chronic disease or any fatal disease infact (God help them).

Accepting these factors with equanimity can help you to avoid getting caught up in anger or hopelessness.

Again, these may sound cliched motivational speech, but these actually helps. Been there (the first and second scenarios)! Done that!

  1. If you have lost your job due to recession and are struggling to find a new one, Stoicism can help you to stay calm and focused. Instead of worrying about the future, try to focus on the present moment and what you can do today to improve your situation. This might involve networking, honing your skills, or exploring new career paths. At the same time, remember that there are many factors outside of your control, such as the state of the job market or the decisions of hiring managers. Accepting these factors with equanimity can help you to avoid getting caught up in negative emotions or self-doubt.
  2. If you are facing a dire financial crisis and have dependents to support, Stoicism can help you to stay grounded and focused. Instead of panicking or getting overwhelmed, try to focus on what you can control. This might involve cutting unnecessary expenses, exploring new income streams, or seeking help from community resources. At the same time, remember that there are many things outside of your control, such as unexpected expenses or changes in the economy. Accepting these factors with equanimity can help you to avoid getting caught up in anxiety or despair.
  3. If your spouse or child is suffering from a chronic or fatal disease, Stoicism can help you to stay strong and focused. Instead of dwelling on the worst-case scenario, try to focus on what you can do today to support your loved one. This might involve seeking out the best medical care available, advocating for your loved one’s needs, or finding ways to make their life more comfortable. At the same time, remember that there are many factors outside of your control, such as the course of the disease or the decisions of medical professionals.

I hope these helps, a little at least!

Thanks for reading.

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Special thanks to Ryan Holiday for his amazing books on Stoicism.

