Storytelling in a Painting

Why does a painting sell?

Marsha Hamby Savage


People in rafts on the Toccoa River — pastel painting by author Marsha Hamby Savage.
“Tubing It Easy” 11"x14" pastel painting by author Marsha Hamby Savage

If you are an artist who does paintings, how do you appeal to potential clients?

Why would they want to purchase a particular painting, sculpture, photograph, or another kind of art?

We all know certain things draw a viewer in when they see a painting that stops them to look closer. Maybe one of those reasons is it fits the decorating style of the viewer. There is nothing wrong with that.

I do not believe for myself that you should purchase a painting to fit your sofa! That statement about “art that matches your sofa” has been an ongoing joke in our artist community.

The other side of that coin!

Saying the above “joke” is problematic only because if you decorated with a particular style of sofa, most likely your “taste” will find its way into your choice of paintings or artwork of any kind!

My opinion? Don’t worry! Choose what you like, and it will all go together!

I have written a previous article, Put a Story In Your Painting, about storytelling in a painting.



Marsha Hamby Savage

I am an Artist! Being an artist feels like I have a connection to nature. I am also writing a book about being an artist! My website: