Stress And Anxiety

Nidhi Patel
Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2020
Stress And Anxiety
Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Stress and anxiety are two things that can make your life a living hell as they tend to impact negatively on your confidence levels and general well-being.

They seem to be everywhere today.

When stress reaches drastic levels, you might find yourself developing mental and physical health conditions that might at times prove difficult to handle.

When they strike, each of us experiences a different reaction.

Some people push forward, strong in their resolve. Others collapse inward, struggling to find enough air to take their next breath.

They appear to be unmanageable and potentially interfere with everyday living.

There must be an effort to relieve anxiety and stress. It will not just disappear on its own.

Stress and anxiety are things that one has to face and they cannot avoid them. But, you can relieve them by trying different ways to relieve stress.

This is how I handle stress and anxiety in my life.

Change Your Perspective

It is much easier said than done, however, the mind is more powerful than we usually give it credit for.

Each person is entitled to their own experience and their own unique feelings of these experiences.

For the most part, a lot of how we navigate ourselves, and the world around us, begins in our mind and the power that we place on objects, people, and situations.

We cannot control everything. We do not hold the world and all of its processes in our hands. The flow of the universe occurs on its own course, whether we like it or not.

That’s not to say that we have absolutely no power. Quite the contrary actually.

The power we have is within ourselves, and the first step in harnessing the full potential of that power is understanding and finding peace with the fact that you cannot control other people, nor can you control the happenings of the world outside of ourselves.

What we can control is the lens that we use to perceive these objects, people, and places that cause us to feel triggered.

I mean just think about it, if you really go ahead and make that presentation in front of your lecture hall, what is the worst that could possibly be happening?

You know what I think would happen? You will do so well that you will shock yourself.

And if it didn’t, no one is going to shoot you. There won’t be any tomatoes or pencils thrown at you from the audience.

Change your perspective and it will change your life.


Have you ever notice when you hear a favorite song, what happens?

Do you stay focused on the problems of the day?

Or do you start singing or humming along to the song?

The power of music is incredible. It can inspire. It can create emotion.

It helps to reduce stress and anxiety very effectively.

You know what makes you so much happier and energetic, is dancing like the craziest person in the world while listening to music. ( It worth trying!)

The right music can enhance a person’s sleep as well.


Mediation is one of the most efficient technique you can use in dealing with stress and anxiety.

If you are a beginner, then you can simply start by closing your eyes as you concentrate on your breath. Do this for a few minutes while progressing up slowly as you get good at it.

The main aim of meditation is to give you mind some time to process any thoughts you may have. You must however commit yourself to regular meditation practice.


Talking to someone can be very beneficial when feeling high levels of stress or anxiety.

You can talk with your friends, family members, or close associate, who gives you valuable feedback.

It must be a non-judgmental environment so you can express the emotions of stress and anxiety properly.

Talking through your feelings can help you to calm down, and clear away some of the rubble in your mind.

As you are talking, is it making you feel better? Or are you feeling worse? If a conversation is causing your stress and anxiety to increase, then you should stop immediately and use a different stress reduction method.


We all have heard multiple times about the physical benefits of exercise.

It makes you stronger, faster and improves stamina. It also has the power to fight off disease. This is why almost every doctor will encourage physical activities every day, whenever possible.

However, what we may not know is that maintaining a regular exercise routine will go a long way in enhancing self-esteem, improving mood and reducing your stress levels

Not only will the exercise help you be able to reduce overall mental fatigue, but you’ll receive a natural energy boost and get more sleep at night.

More sleep at night means more power to combat future stress and anxiety.

This means exercise can create a positive cycle of health.

It is one of the easiest and the most important physical activity that can reduce stress.

When your body is well and fits then is your mind.

It is advisable to get an exercise routine to help you. Regular exercise helps in maintaining physical and mental health and have peace of mind.

Make your Priorities

Stress nowadays can be as a result of approaching deadlines of various tasks that you might have not done. This can be overwhelming and can you stress. The best thing to overcome this is to make your priorities by writing down a to-do list.

Sit down and write each task you intend to do. After that, rank your tasks and perform the most important tasks first and do the rest later.

During your organization, be realistic about the time you award for each task to be done. This will help in avoiding the last-minute rush.

I know that it will take a lot of work to overcome the effects that persistent anxiety has on you, but every small step towards that goal will make a great difference.

The fact is this: there is no single relaxation or stress removal technique that is the best one for everyone. It is up to you to implement a plan that works, which often involves a great deal of trial and error during the first days of dealing with stress.

Each one has the potential to relieving anxiety and stress very effectively.

Your mental health is as important as your physical health, don’t ignore it.



Nidhi Patel

👩just a girl chasing her dreams. Sharing life lessons✨ and experiences💛