The Things We Lost In Our Childhood

Simple life lessons shared unknowingly by kids to improve our lives

Tania Juricevic
7 min readMar 1, 2021


Image from simple_tunchi0 on Pixabay

Three bikes, a scooter, and 4 kids.

They cannot see me yet but I can, I’m up there with the cats, typing a story on hobbies, or better put, hoping for Miss Inspiration to show her face.

Do you know this parable of a man who asks God why he did not save him from drowning when he was actually sent a hand, a boat, and a helicopter?
Well, that was me, feeling frustrated at every first sentence I was typing then erasing, staring at those four kids playing on the street, being annoyed at myself for being so easily distracted, and wondering why inspiration would not come!

Then, I allowed myself to just enjoy that sight and close my laptop, as I firmly believe that we should enjoy the moment and do everything we undertake with love, should we want to be successful. At least I’d get to write something in my gratitude journal. And then, while day-dreaming I realized that I was holding something. My article. Yihaa!

I want to clarify a point before I get on with the core of this piece. I do not hold children for saints. I have two younger siblings, a nephew and I am a teacher! Children can be mean, absolutely horrible, little devils. The debate over “nature v. nurture” will have to be for another post, my point here is only to establish that neither do I think they all are little angels, nor that life is much better for kids (I for one, would dread to go back to my childhood and the bullying, the homework, the teachers that were hating their jobs, the not being able to choose what and when I want to eat, where I was to live, who I want to see, the hormonal changes, the first heartbreaks. You get my point.)

Back to my story. When I look at those four kids, what I see is what we have lost as adults and what we should re-learn from them:

They live in the moment, do not care about what other people think, and enjoy little things.

One of the 4 saw me. It’s our secret, though. It seems like he does not want to tell his friends; it is a sort of prank he is playing on them and he enjoys the connivance we can share, even though he does not know me and might never see me again. He lives in the present and enjoys this small moment. Regardless of the fact, it will be a distant memory tomorrow.
He knows I have seen them ring the bell of the neighbours before running to hide and yet; he does not mind (I am not condoning it, but I have to say, it made me laugh).

This tacit agreement between me, a 31-year-old traveller who barely speaks his mother tongue and is a bit rusty in her “childlikeness” and him, and a seven or eight-year-old boy living in this area, probably born here, reminded me it was OK to close my laptop and enjoy the small things life has to offer. Beauty is all around us.

They show me that the littlest of things can be a source of joy. Getting to see your friends, enjoying playing outdoors because the weather allows it, playing a prank on a neighbour, sharing a small harmless secret with someone, having a glass of water after running and riding like there is no tomorrow, resting…

Friendship is easily made, they get over grudges quickly, laugh a lot, and don’t take themselves too seriously.

One really obvious thing is they do not agree on everything! One wants to play catch while the others are set on riding their bikes. Whatev’s they’ll do both!

I remember showing a movie to my students: Azur and Asmar, The Princes’ Quest. A beautiful story (also about friendship. In one scene, a character speaks in French to another who does not understand the language. Her son perplexedly notices it. She answers that with the tone she used; it does not quite matter what language she could have been speaking. I was reminded of that scene, looking at them arguing. First, I am too far to catch all the words, and even if I could, I am certain I would not know the vocabulary. But there is no doubt they are arguing. Wait a minute… Oh… That’s it, over! Almost as if it had never happened! I remember that from my childhood. Sworn enemies one day, best friends the next. Every day was a new one, with no grudges to hold! As if I already knew at that age that life is too short!

So now, they are playing catch, a version I do not know and that I’ll try to describe later. They are laughing so much, it is quite contagious, but I am a serious adult, am I not? So I will only smile. My “friend” sees me, smiles back, but does not look at me for too long. His friends could find out about this new acquaintance. They are having a lot of fun. With their hands in front of them, trying to catch someone they cannot see, not caring about the passersby or that new lady on the block.

They are creative, curious and don’t feel they need to be busy.

I often hear people say that kids have less imagination nowadays. Well, this is not what I see.
I see kids who decided that wearing a mask on their mouth and nose was absolutely pointless. Instead, they should wear it on their forehead, to hide their eyes and play that Covid version of catch, with rules and twists they are inventing along the way. I am not sure I would be able to play with them, I don’t quite get all the subtleties of what they are playing, but they’re undoubtedly having a ball. They play without fear. The ease and confidence with which they walk and even run while their eyes are patched is astounding.

I stop typing for a bit, trying to understand… How hard could it be? And then, when I feel I am getting there, they stop, run to their bikes and scooter and move on to something else. No warning! Are those kids sharing the gift of telepathy?! And where is my inspiration off to?! Guys, come back!

Oh…here they are, they just went up and down the street… Well, that was quick. And it seems like there was no specific objective to that ride. Just the fun of exercising those legs for a couple of minutes?
Ok, so what now? Share your precious life lessons with me.

They sit down. I am waiting… And waiting. Nothing. Really?
Come on, my article is not finished yet, I mean, there are a few ideas there, but I need a bit more. Nope. Not one of them is talking or doing anything in particular.

Oh… I get it now… Not doing anything is also a part of it. Sitting there, silently, looking at the grass and then at the sky. There’s no point in being busy, being busy. And to say I had to learn how to meditate in my adulthood when these children can do it effortlessly.

To conclude:

Responsibilities are a reality. But in all honesty, how effective are you when you are tired, stressed, frustrated or angry?
Do what children do. Slow down and look at what’s around you. It might become your source of inspiration, the answer to your problem, or just a minute during which you can catch a breath and put a smile on your face again.
And remember, you are the one responsible for the way you feel. Be present to what you do and enjoy the little things.

We worry so often about what others could think of us if they could see us, but ask yourself this next time you do: Would you actually care if it was someone else doing what you are doing now? Would you think of it again after 5 minutes?
Most of the time, the answer to both questions is “No”. And if it is “yes”, then maybe you should give second thoughts to what you are doing!
Laugh at yourself and laugh with others, it will only make your life longer and healthier, it is scientifically demonstrated

Take some time to do nothing, do not feel like you always have to do something. Instead, stop, look around, enjoy what you see, take it all in, this way of being curious and enjoying life could help you be more creative.
These moments of stillness are necessary to rebuild faith and confidence.

I wholeheartedly thank those children and the Universe for the two gifts I received from them. One being this article I am now able to share with you(I hope you got as much from it as I did from the experience) and the second one being that beautiful moment they shared unknowingly.
Now, I only need to find a title, amend, proofread, edit, choose a publication, share and hope it finds you well!



Tania Juricevic

Leader, teacher, learner. In no specific order. Constantly questioning, investigating and discussing to ensure growth on all levels. So leave your comments!