The Witch Hunt Is On Again

Can we please understand Illumination and show some compassion for a change?

Desiree Driesenaar
Published in
6 min readNov 18, 2020


Witch hazel. Picture: Hans Braxmeier via Pixabay

Do we remember the stories of the old times about witch hunts and witches burning? In films, they are portrayed often. The angry villagers screaming for blood. The scared witches who just wanted to heal with what Mother Nature gave them.

And then the burning.

Some witches stood tall and took their fate with dignity. Knowing that they did nothing wrong. Looking directly into the eyes of the villagers and feeling compassion.

Forgiving is an act of self-preservation. And I remind myself often nowadays. I stand tall. Knowing that I do nothing wrong. I just try to bring humanness and diversity back into our world. Feminine kindness. How can that be a crime?

What is the direct action in my current life that I’m referring to here? It’s the witch hunt on Illumination writers and all publications that sprouted from Illumination creativity.

Suntonu Bhadra, the editor of Paper Poetry, wrote this story and it saddens my heart. Paper Poetry is an excellent publication reminding me that my creativity is boosted by words and drawings on paper. Some old-fashioned handcraft is very beneficial to my brain.

