The World is Bigger than America

So please get a grip and learn about other people and places.

Candace C


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

I spent one of my college summers working as a Student Researcher in Pittsburg, Pennslyvania.

Pittsburg seemed like a great place when I first arrived. It’s essentially a college town with Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburg, and Duquesne University mere blocks from each other.

It was also not abnormal to see Amish people rolling through with their carts and buggies.

Most Pittsburghers seemed nice too.

My research advisor was a gem of a man. He believed in me, he was the friendliest human being that you could ever meet, and everyone loved and adored him. Bless him! He’s gone now (RIP), but I’ve never forgotten his kindness.

But, as I mentioned in my article, They Say New Yorkers are Mean and Despicable, every place is two-sided. There are great people and there are not-so-great people everywhere.

Unfortunately, it was in Pittsburg that I first experienced racism.

There is something about racism that hits you to the very core of your being. Maybe, it’s the unfair judgment, or maybe, it’s the elitist nature of the thing, or maybe it’s…..I don’t know. Racism is just stupid.



Candace C

A God follower, a wife, a mom, a visionary, a #homeschool mother, a friend. I write about whatever bothers me at the moment @janadoeshomeschool on Instagram