This is the end of your creative blocks

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone to understand how our brain works to unlock creativity?

Blanca Sánchez
6 min readJan 25, 2024


Photo by ameenfahmy on Unsplash

No matter what your job is or how your schedule looks like, creativity has a huge impact on your job, relationships, and life even more as an entrepreneur. Here’s why.

Being an artist is a huge gift because we’re able to express ourselves in so many different ways. Nonetheless, as humans, we go through phases in our lives in which it’s not as easy as we would like it to be. This leads us to feel blocked and unable to create.

We don’t make art from anywhere, we take ideas from our environment and convert them into something different, more fulfilling for the soul.

Living in a hurry, chasing opportunities, or trying to be the best sets us apart from our creative path, and knowing how our brain reacts will help you understand better your situation and find solutions.

If you’re trying to take a new step in your life, you’re starting to run your new side job, your brand, or any other project in your life and you feel it’s going anywhere, try following these simple steps.

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve heard about this. The difference comes when you put the real work into it and start facing all the fears or uncertainty you’re dealing with right now.

This is why I’ll share with you some prompts that you can use and I recommend you to read some of my articles to know how the brain works in these situations.

Get clear on what you want. What is your vision?

In a moment of crisis, only imagination is more important than the knowledge.-Albert Einstein

When we’re facing a creative block our amygdala (small organ in the middle of your brain) goes to work as it connects with fears. To put down these cortisol levels it’s important to rewire your brain with the truth. Who are you?

Don’t try to use labels to define yourself in connection with your job because it will keep you apart from taking out your creative idea from your heart.

Starting a project, creating a video, preparing a class, building a business… Everything requires organized ideas to do that. Using pen and paper may sound enough, but it won’t help much if you don’t really take the time to stop and think about the value you want to give to the world.

What do you want to get out of there? Who is the people you want to attract and work with? How should your appearance in socials and in life should be? Don’t try to copy others, but start with little steps being clear with your personality.

Having clear ideas of what you want is one of the main facts that will help your mind get clear and feel safe. This way, your creativity flow will come back again and you’ll be able to share all the good ideas you have.

Try journaling every day about how you can do better on your project: Key points you can add, trials you can start, people you can contact, places where you can expand your vision, practices to keep you healthy and connected to life…

When you feel blocked or empty inside it’s really common to lose sense of reality or feel unworthy. This is your brain talking to you, and your body accumulates the low vibrations converting them into pain or discomfort.

Self-talk is a huge part of overcoming creative blocks. Try using affirmations that remind you of who you are and who you want to become. Daily affirmations are a clear path to success. They’ll help you calm down.

Write down how you feel and then, how you want to feel. Focus on the last one and create a list like this that I share with you to help you every day:

I’m capable of creating the life I dream of.

My creativity comes from within.

Every action is a creative step on my journey.

My relationships are aligned with the art I want to expand.

My present doesn’t define my future.

Money comes with my art in so many ways I’m still not thinking about.

Connect with people who support your art and vision of life

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

When we are socially connected and have stable and supportive relationships, we are more likely to make healthy choices and have better mental and physical health outcomes.

As I said before, creativity comes from a safe inner space. Having meaningful relationships is key to coping with hard times, stress, anxiety, and depression.

Look for artistic communities near you or try meeting completely unknown people to get a new approach to life that may help you connect with a new idea on the go.

Letting your heart feel connected to others is one of the most important things since creativity comes from our most sensitive human part.

Seek inspiration by reading

Reading is known as an amazing habit to connect with our subconscious mind and rewire it. If you’re feeling stuck, reading about the way others achieve their goals can make a real difference on your path. When we’re facing a creative block we tend to think we’re the only ones feeling like this, but you can find new ideas to combine with yours.

Remember when you were a kid? Learning new things will keep your brain functioning and your neurological path growing. Instead of avoiding emotions or situations try implementing reading as a way of releasing the stress.

Give yourself some time to know more about other people’s lives to understand we all go through moments like that. You can get inspired by their experiences to put in the work and help your creativity flow.

Life is a huge gift even though we may not always see it like that. Spiraling can be easy at this point so let yourself dive into something different to release the tension and stress which are blocking you.

Take time out of social media

Creative blocks can be produced by hustle, comparing ourselves, having a stressful schedule, and avoiding tasks.

When we start a new project is easy to get lost on our real purpose seeing how others achieve their goals. I highly recommend you get out of social media for some time while figuring out what you want to expand.

As reading can help you because it connects with your imagination, consuming too much social media can work all the way around. When we see something our brain takes it as real because the idea was materialized and, if we are not able to do it right now the same way, we start to feel ashamed and unconfident.

Socials are a great way to share with others what we have but if you’re feeling empty it will affect all your way back in a worse way.

Everyone has their times in life. Let it all be as it comes and remember to love and accept yourself on your path. Creativity comes from within so stop chasing and start embracing what you already have achieved. This will help you create more healthily.

Above all, trust the process.

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