
Two Things That Will Change Your Life

Two Game-Changing Elements That Promise a Lifetime of Fulfillment and Success”

Shariqa Mukhtar


A person standing while the sun is setting
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Tired of failure! Tired of criticism! Tired of objections, rejections and blames, I decided to change the narrative about me. Get to know how.

This is the age of social media, the internet and glamour. We all are addicted to the use of social media apps which convey both positive and negative messages. However, research has shown that a person’s brain grasps negative things more actively. Negative emotions draw out a larger brain’s response.

In this article, I’m going to share with you my personal way to control your negative thoughts and be a better version of yourself. So let’s start:

  1. Disappear and explore yourself:

This is a proven formula to get a greater version of yourself. If you are distracted by the world around you, disconnect yourself. Distractions are the major cause of your failure. Lock yourself up in a room, remove social media accounts from your phone and stop watching reels to get motivation. Motivation is inside you. If you really want to go higher, achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams just remove all the distractions from your life. Never listen to Nay-sayers.

Spend time with yourself, exercising, practicing, learning, trying, failing and again getting up with a passion that you will change the perspective of the people towards you. Learn some skills. Learn to manage your time between work and life. Explore what your body wants. What does your mind says? Explore which is best for you to go. You are the best companion of yourself. Be a better version of you to make yourself happy. Just do it! Just do it! Now.

2. Do Hard work and grow:

Once you have learned, now it’s time to practice without showing off to the world. Practice what you have learned, practice what you have gained. One thing to remember is that you can achieve nothing without hard work. Hard work is the key to success. One can learn something but can’t achieve his goals without facing rejections, objections and criticism.

If you don’t know failure, you can never know success. We all fail and we all face rejections but the one who learns from failure will only get success.

If you think you are good at something, then remember there must be someone best at that. Do not show off. Do not keep sitting in one place. Go to several places and try to learn new things that broaden your mind.

Learning can make a person grow. Be humble and keep your feet on the ground. Just focus on your goals and ignore all the negative energies falling on you. One day you will make the impossible, possible. One day those nay-sayers will look at you with a feeling of guilt inside them. As Nelson Mandela had said:

“It always seems impossible, until it’s done.”

So start it from today and you will get a better version of yourself.

I have been facing challenges since I was a very young girl. My life was totally different but I faced all the challenges with courage and that really made me strong. Read the article below if you want to know my story.

My Journey Through Crisis and Resilience

