What Does Cutting Off All Contact with a Narcissist Do to Them?

An in-depth look at narcissistic injury

Melissa Kalt, MD


Angry hand crumpling paper
Photo by Amel Majanovic on Unsplash

There is an interesting twist to this question.

The question is not “What does going no contact do for me?” Or “How will the narcissist respond when I go no contact?” Both of those questions affect you.

This question asks, “What does going no contact do to them?”

  • Perhaps you ask from a lens of seeking to understand the narcissist mind.
  • Perhaps you’re trying to make sense of your experience, after going no contact.
  • Perhaps you hope to punish the narcissist for their brutal discard of you — fantasizing about the opportunity to hurt them back.

What happens when you go no contact?

If the narcissist has discarded you for someone else, they may not initially notice. Once they do notice you’ve gone no contact, they won’t understand why.

The narcissist will not…

  • See the error of their ways
  • Realize they hurt you
  • Choose to apologize and make amends

How the narcissist will respond is predictable. Let’s look at why.



Melissa Kalt, MD

Leadership Catalyst/Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Specialist/ Solver of Unsolvable Problems/Master Healer/ Entrepreneur/ Author/ Speaker/ Mother of 5.