What is unexpressed and needs to be acknowledged?

The Golden Question for People-pleasers

Sammy Wan


Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

My body felt strong and expansive as I took in the fact that I finally published my mental health journey and over a decade of struggle with chronic pain. The painful story that I shunned, all the exiled parts of myself felt like they finally had a voice, and part of my own power was returned.

When we suppress or deny our voice and needs, sooner or later, they bubble up as larger problems and we’ll feel emotionally, mentally, and physically drained and dissatisfied. It’s a great practice to routinely check-in with ourselves if there’s anything that needs to be validated, acknowledged or expressed. As humans, we tend to ignore and sweep things under the carpet.

I often offer this coaching question to clients who struggle with people-pleasing tendencies to tease out what they have been avoiding addressing.

What is unexpressed and needs to be acknowledged?

From a body-based perspective, we continue to stay in an appeasing state as that’s what we learned through early life experiences that it kept us protected and safe.

For a lot of us, we never had it modelled to us — what a healthy expression of our own needs looks like. We think it’s selfish or too much to ask of the…



Sammy Wan

Inspiring mindfulness, creativity & growth through my personal reflections | An invitation to mind-body approach for more wisdom: www.sammywan.com