
Why Are Women So Resentful Towards Men?

Being a woman doesn’t make you always right.

Published in
5 min readSep 16, 2021


I know so many scorned women. My mother was full of resentments. My sister is full of resentment.

My best friend is full of resentments.

Women are often angry. Furious. They tend to unleash their anger on men.

Sometimes they can be emotionally abusive towards men.

Men have done them wrong. Men have let them down. Men are to blame.

Resentment comes from unfulfilled expectations.

Why do women have so many expectations from men? Expectations are limiting. True love is unconditional.

My mother had to be always right. She would argue with my father whenever he disagreed with her. She had to be right.

She imposed her views onto us. She picked boyfriends for my sisters. She pressured me to study Economics because I will never make a living as a writer. She kept my father on the leash.

She was notoriously unhappy — because everyone around her was wrong. She tried so hard to make us see the world through her eyes. We were unable to.

Her resentment brought her death. In her 50s she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and…




Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!