Why I don’t Like Video Courses

I love learning things from books. But today, it seems that everyone and their dog is producing a video course instead of writing a book. What is this?

René Junge


Photo by whereslugo on Unsplash

I can read books anytime, anywhere. Especially ebooks are unbeatable in terms of flexibility.

Videos, on the other hand, demand privacy and silence. They make noise, and I have to follow the speaker’s pace of speech instead of setting my own reading speed.

I am not saying that video courses should be abolished. Many people like them. But they shouldn’t replace the book.

Read on in my article I Don’t Want to Learn Anything From Videos. Have All the Experts Forgotten How to Write?

René Junge a published author writing on ILLUMINATION.



René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: http://bit.ly/ReneJunge