Why Would the Government Admit the Truth About Aliens and UFOs?

What are the odds of the government being honest and open about extraterrestrial life? What do they stand to gain or lose by disclosure?

ZZ Meditations
13 min readJul 27, 2023


Why Would the Government Admit the Truth About Aliens and UFOs? What are the odds of the government being honest and open about extraterrestrial life? What do they stand to gain or lose by disclosure?
Image created by “AI tool Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL·E” — the author has the provenance and copyright.

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Aliens. They keep some people up at night and ignite the imagination of millions; all the while, most people still wave the idea of extraterrestrials visiting our planet as a fairytale.

For some of us, the existence of “other” life somewhere in the Universe is inevitable, given the magnitude of the known space and the diversity of life on our planet alone. It makes no sense to imagine that ours is the only planet capable of supporting life.

There are an estimated 300 million potentially habitable planets in our galaxy alone, and there are billions of galaxies containing billions of planets, some galaxies much larger than our Milky Way.

However, it is important to note that this estimate is based on the most conservative interpretation of data from the Kepler space telescope and other exoplanet-hunting missions.

We’re only talking about organic life here, and there is no rule to say that inorganic life is impossible.

We can discuss multiple dimensions, ethereal existence, and conscience as pure information that could exist without a body or silicon life forms. However, this is not the post for that. There are immeasurable possibilities and unknowable variations of potential life forms in the great darkness of the Universe. Not to mention the possibility of other dimensions and parallel Universes. In short, we don’t know what is and what is not possible “out there.”

hubble telescope, the known universe, galaxies. There are an estimated 300 million potentially habitable planets in our galaxy alone, and there are billions of galaxies containing billions of planets, some galaxies much larger than our Milky Way.
Source: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/multimedia/index.html

Incentives and consequences.

Let’s talk about the incentives for any government to keep such potential knowledge secret versus revealing it to the public.

Whistleblowers and witnesses.

In light of recent events, with the whistleblower David Charles Grusch, a former member of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and National Reconnaissance Office, saying that the government possesses craft of non-human origin, it is time to investigate the government’s motives for disclosure or secrecy.

Yesterday was an exciting day. A US Congress House subcommittee hearing on National Security was held, and witnesses were questioned on the matter of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena), testifying under oath. They were quite convincing and opened a lot of new questions for the people unfamiliar with the subject. After all, these aren’t some attention-seeking hippie weirdoes but decorated officials.

We don’t know what is true and what is not, but we can talk about the relationship between aliens, the government, and the truth in theoretical terms.

I’m surprised by people who assume that if aliens were visiting Earth, the governments would be honest about it.

The absolute certainty in this statement boggles the mind. I would venture so far as to call it naive.

Especially since, if history teaches us anything, the governments (all of them) have kept secrets from their populace since the beginning of time. Every once in a while, they get caught and have to disclose things that we wouldn’t have believed possible just a few years or even months ago and would wave them off as some conspiracy theory bullshit.

Lately, conspiracy theorists have become nothing short of early recognizers of the truth and are being proven correct left and right at an alarming pace.

Honestly, please let some of those horrible conspiracies remain just that — conspiracy theories! I don’t want any reptile-shapeshifting baby-eating monsters turning out to be real. No, thank you. I’d rather not know.

Jokes aside, even the tin foil hat-screaming popular individuals, who have been making completely outrageous claims for decades now, have a better track record with the truth than the governments or mainstream media. If you are honest with yourself, you know this is true.

Anyone with a mind capable of independent thinking has lost all trust in these institutions. With good reason.

These institutions are now blatantly lying to our faces, as they know there are no immediate consequences once they get caught. None. Zero!

Let me repeat this for the folks in the back — the responsibility of the governments and the mainstream media to tell you the truth is nonexistent, and there are no consequences for lying to you!

Let’s play with possible incentives for any government to disclose the truth if they knew that extraterrestrial entities are visiting us on our lovely blue planet.

Hypothesis: the aliens (extraterrestrials) have been visiting the Earth for a long time. The government and the institutions in the know are aware of them.

What incentive does the government have to disclose such information to the public?

Now, now. Don’t rush things. Take some time and think about this. Drop your ideological knee-jerk reaction because the time for such romantic and idealistic thinking has passed. Let’s be honest here.

  • What do they have to gain by disclosure?
  • What do they stand to lose?
  • What are the possible consequences of such a new, confirmed reality for people and society in general?

As things stand, most people are living comfortably within their bubble of world facts, dealing with their little problems, focusing on their immediate surroundings, falling for all the propaganda served to them via screens, and are busy bickering about silly ideas. In short, they live entirely immersed in daily problems and activities.

They are separated into at least two factions on nearly any subject and, therefore, easy to govern. Divide and conquer, remember?

  • Why would any government want to disrupt this (for them) wonderful ecosystem?
  • Why risk people waking up to realize that these issues are nothing in the grand scheme of things?
  • Why wake them up to the Universe’s unknown wonders and potential terrors?

There is practically no upside for the government to disclose potential knowledge or possession of alien technology or biologicals.

Here’s a very brief list of all the negatives I can think of from the top of my mind:

  • They lose any potential scientific advantage over other countries by being forced to share extraterrestrial technology.
  • They risk war with any country that would see them as the enemy now and want to obtain the information, resources, or technology from the government in their theoretical possession.
  • They risk panic, fear, and doubt in their population on a scale never before seen in the history of civilization. Consequences are either very unpredictable or horribly predictable in the sense of civil unrest, dissolution of society, riots, etc.
  • People are generally fearful of other nations, neighbors, and races. Imagine the terror in their eyes when presented with a completely unknown civilization that would be nothing like what they know and understand. On a personal level, fear is cancerous, but on the level of the masses, it’s apocalyptic. It can result in entirely unpredictable and unwarranted reactions on a massive scale.
  • What would even the most benevolent introduction of a Star Trek humanoid federation of planets (the cutest and most lovable of sci-fi ideas) mean to everything people believe, everything they care about, and what constitutes their core philosophy and worldview?
  • They risk enraging the religious populous, which still represents the majority of the world. Since religion doesn’t account for the possibility of life on other planets, this would go against everything they believe and could result in two probable scenarios:
    A. Mass breaking away from religion and complete reframing of the worldview on a massive scale, believers questioning their faith and their leaders, resulting in a very confused populace whose whole life was just flipped upside down or;
    B. A heavy murderous pushback from religion, religious countries, and a tsunami of terrorism in the attempt to squash this new fact of life as false, heretic, or even evil. Religion doesn’t leave much space for a change in facts, new science, or acceptance of new ideas. The obvious expectation is that there would be pushback of unimaginable proportions.
    C. I’ll entertain one more option — that religious leaders wise up and redefine their core teaching in a way that includes life on other planets. A change of perspective, then. We are all God’s children, sort of thing. Love thy neighbor, even if he’s from a faraway galaxy. Alternatively, I could also see the possibility of these alien beings being portrayed as either angels or, more likely, demons, which might be OK in an invasion scenario but could be problematic in peaceful coexistence.
  • They risk losing control over the country, their political power, and the trust of the few remaining faithful fools who still look upon the government like your puppy looks at you. If your government has been hiding such a big secret from you, what else are they hiding?
  • They risk heavy opposition from other governments, the scientific community, the media, and any entity unconvinced by this new “narrative.” Conspiracy theories abound.
  • They risk increasing the problematic demographic freefall that most developed nations have found themselves in. If people are afraid of having children because life is expensive and because they’re scared of the future for whatever benign reason, imagine the drop in natality when presented with an alien threat scenario.
  • They risk complete and utter demolition of the economy. Our capitalistic, debt-driven system is basically a Ponzi pyramid scheme. As soon as the inflow of new buyers dries up, it all collapses into dirt. What happens to consumer habits and material desires when those things no longer matter because of this new realization that we are not alone, with all the uncertainty that would imply for our future?
  • They risk people or foreign governments going all gung ho and try shooting down everything suspicious, which could be very unpredictable, to say the least. The same threat lies in civilian people taking things into their own hands.
alien space shit, ufo, uap
Image created by “AI tool Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL·E” — the author has the provenance and copyright.

One could argue that even if they had fully disclosed the knowledge or interaction with extraterrestrials, it would all be a “nothing burger,” as nobody trusts anything the government (and media) says these days anyway.

And that is a very valid point. We have become numb to any revelation about the government, science, and so-called truth. We don’t know what to believe anymore.

Of course, the government of the media saying that things are flying around that we cannot identify doesn’t pack a sufficient punch. But imagine official videos of aliens, accompanied by a scary narrative and unrecognizable entities running across your screens.

These days even actual weather balloon chases are presented in an end-of-the-world manner. What would happen if the government either admitted to shooting down spaceships, having bodies and crafts in their possession, or being in active conflict with extraterrestrial beings hiding on our planet?

Talk about fear and panic — or disbelief and ignorance, since you can’t believe even your eyes these days.

Image created by “AI tool Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL·E” — the author has the provenance and copyright.

However, I believe we would collectively be able to get over this initial shock to our system and worldview collapse if we managed to survive the initial fire.

After all, we have been preprogrammed and prepared for the possibilities of extraterrestrial life with popular culture and recently by some suspicious “leaks” and hints from the government.

Humans are adaptive, we may burn a few witches, books, and scientists and cancel a few free thinkers that dare tell us something we disagree with at first, but over time, we have no choice but to adapt and evolve our views.

I still believe that no government would willingly disclose all that they know about anything, much less a topic like aliens. As I said, they have much to lose. It’s inherently a dangerous and unpredictable situation.

What would the government stand to gain by revealing the truth about the UFO or extraterrestrial phenomena?

I can think of very few things and I don’t like any of them.

  • To unite the people under a new enemy for whatever reason.
  • To hide some even more terrible truth or their crimes.
  • Because they cannot hide it anymore and need to get ahead of it, as the little green men are now all around us, making the secret impossible to maintain and wanting to marry our daughters.
What would the government stand to gain by revealing the truth about the UFO or extraterrestrial phenomena? An alien at the dinner table
Image created by “AI tool Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL·E” — the author has the provenance and copyright.

Decades of lies make for very untrustworthy relationships.

With all the false flag operations, media manipulations, and straight-out blatant lies everywhere from the mouth of the government, I suppose no one would believe them anyway until the alien babies were going to school with our children.

Even then, we would probably be more convinced they’re just some manufactured androids there to rule over us in some twisted way or humans imagining they’re aliens, and we just went along with their delusions. It wouldn’t be the first time.

This can be helpful but can also be an absolute catastrophe when shit hits the fan!

With all the false flag operations, media manipulations, and straight-out blatant lies everywhere from the mouth of the government, I suppose no one would believe them anyway until the alien babies were going to school with our children.
Image created by “AI tool Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL·E” — the author has the provenance and copyright.

And yes, I’m sure there are people in your government who live by the “truth first, consequences later” principle — good, honest people. I just think they don’t last all that long in that cesspool of professional liars.

Occasionally, someone dares to poke their head out and break the silence, revealing some state secret because they cannot stand the pain of lying to the people they’re supposed to help, represent or protect.

These people are heroes, but like most heroes, their fates are tragic.

You see, the masses don’t like heroes. They like the overpromising liars, the cheaters, the comforters. They like the status quo. They love to be governed and be kept in the dark about what we all know is happening, but no one wants to own up to them. You know what I’m talking about. The “hush-hush” government dealings and schemes, the ones we don’t talk about out loud.

If you don’t talk about it, it isn’t happening, right? If we don’t know about the horrible things our government does behind closed doors, we cannot be blamed or guilty of their crimes. Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Could the government actually keep such a big secret for so long?

I love the argument that the government could never hide having a secret program dealing with extraterrestrial life forms.

Do you know how much money your government’s “dark programs” consume yearly? No? You realize that no one knows what all that money is used for, right? I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about; it’s probably spent on world peace, planting trees, and saving the penguins; don’t worry about it.

Here’s what the internet says on the matter for the USA alone. The annual cost of the United States Department of Defense black budget was estimated at $50 billion in 2009. In 2012, the military’s black budget was estimated at over $56 billion.

It is important to note that the exact amount of the black budget is not publicly disclosed, and the figures mentioned above are not up-to-date. If I had to guess, 100 billion per year sounds about right in today’s money.

One can hide a lot of things with that kind of money!

Would you go around telling people you saw a UFO, knowing full well that you’ll be branded a conspiracy theorist, a fake, a liar, and will suffer consequences in your personal and professional life?
Image created by “AI tool Microsoft Bing Image Creator powered by DALL·E” — the author has the provenance and copyright.

It’s not like there aren’t millions of reports from around the globe regarding alien (UFO) sightings and encounters.

Some are reasonably convincing, others outright ridicules. It’s almost impossible to verify the majority, and there are definitely a lot of scams, fakes, and mistaken identities among them. But they’re not lacking in frequency. Are they all liars, and can everything be explained? I don’t know, but I somehow doubt it. The issue is no one believes any of them.

Would you go around telling people you saw a UFO, knowing full well that you’ll be branded a conspiracy theorist, a fake, a liar, and will suffer consequences in your personal and professional life?

Not many are that principled and brave. And those who do come forward pay a hefty price. If you worked on one of these Top Secret projects for the government, you would be even less inclined, to tell the truth. You’d be facing lawsuits and termination of your job and your life.

I think it’s safe to say that most people don’t want the truth. They want the comfort of ignorance and the relaxation of not having responsibility.

They don’t want to know what’s behind the curtain; they’re only interested in the movie being projected on their screens. Fair enough, I suppose. Some of you may argue with this point, so I shall conclude with a factual observation:

“Whatever you see in your politicians and leaders is a direct representation of the majority of the population. We get the politicians we deserve. We elect them and give them power. These people and organizations have no power over you unless you give it to them freely and willingly.”

In any case, I suppose we’ll stay in the limbo of not knowing the truth a little longer, my friends. Maybe it’s for the best. Who knows.

“I want to believe,” is the famous quote of Agent Mulder from the X-files. But believing something doesn’t make it true.

Which makes me wonder — what would convince you that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth?

  • A good image? Have you ever heard of Photoshop?
  • A clear video? CGI?
  • An extensive mainstream media campaign? So we’re trusting liars now?
  • An official statement from the government? Have they ever said something that wasn’t true? Surely not…
  • To see it with your own eyes? How would you know what you’re looking at unless it was in bright daylight and you were sipping Margaritas together?

What would it take for you to be absolutely certain?

If you can think of any additional incentives and consequences of the government revealing the truth about aliens, feel free to list them in the comments. We’re just having fun here.



ZZ Meditations

I write about the mind, perspectives, inner peace, happiness, life, trading, philosophy, fiction and short stories. https://zzmeditations.substack.com/