
You Have to Read My One Month Medium Anniversary

Results of My Medium Onboarding Experience and What You Can Do Better

Ka Falcon
Published in
5 min readJun 28, 2021


an owl with one eye closed appears to be winking
photo by Ren Ran on Unsplash | edited by author

Wink — Camp Braggies v Camp Bemoaners, ‘Not another numbers brag, drag!

How many authors does one have to lick to get to the center of a delicious deposit? I’m reaching back to 1970, a Tootsie Pop commercial. In the commercial, someone asks a wise owl how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. (((CRUNCH))) — Not the answer they sought.

All about the title-tale and promise, we’re smothered in posts of others’ how-tos and stats. Which category today? What’s your pleasure? Tantalizing titles of ‘How I earn $5,000 per month and you can too’. — I aim to offer some basic Medium onboarding answers.

Find Your Fit and Publication Numbers

There’s a method to forging ahead on Medium. It’s who you know — So get to know them! Make connections and seek publications that best fit your writeups. A favorite is the helpful and welcoming ILLUMINATION publication with 35,000 followers. To see pub follower numbers, click on any pub page and type /latest at the end of the URL. Or check the list of top pubs via smedian here.



Ka Falcon

FT Nomad traveling America | Former Las Vegas Cabbie | Hobby Photographer, Storyteller