Your Palms are Connected to Your Heart Chakra

Agnes Davis
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2022


Fun palm chakra tricks and tips for protecting your energy field

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

If you’ve ever experienced the feeling of energy pouring through your palms as you give a massage, or simply followed the intuitive healing urge to lay your hands to sooth, that’s the connection that flows straight from the heart to the palm, and back again.

It’s really helpful to remember that the palms of the hands and feet are a powerful portal of connection to the heart chakra.

I recently wrote about the importance of keeping a healthy heart chakra here.

Damaging your palm chakras can block the heart

Just as the palms help us give and receive energy, they’re also sensitive portals that can be damaged by overexposure to the electromagnetic fields of your devices.

When your hands buzz oddly after using your phone for too long, this can be a sign that the very sensitive openings at your palms are getting derailed by the electromagnetic fields of the device.



Agnes Davis

Freelance writer, creative strategist & web designer | Notes on writing, film, culture, soul, authentic marketing & more