
Part 6: An Untitled Story Sequence

comfort eboigbe
2 min readMar 3, 2024


Babel was nothing like home. All the lights and noise competed for attention, calling me in and inviting me to the possibilities of the pleasures within.

It is so exciting.

The one thing the people of Babel lacked was the ability to understand measure. Everything was an indulgence, bringing one into more and more depths.

It was a city of pleasure.

I guess it was aptly named.

My days passed away in blurs till I could no longer tell the difference between night and day.

Once, I saw a man who looked just a few years older than me, but one could not tell by his frame. I heard from a friend that he could not pay his debts, so he sold himself to one of the casinos for bread and scraps of pleasure that would fall off the tables of wealthy customers.

I wondered if he had no home or family to return to.

I wondered if, like me, he had burned bridges and could never return.

I shared my fears with Peter.

“That’s not possible,” he shook his head.

“We not only spend money, we make money too. Besides, there’s no way that money will ever finish in this lifetime.”

I laughed. That is true.

“Forget about that guy. There are so many of them like that here, like cockroaches.”

“I agree, anyone that can’t afford it should be thrown out,” Jessie commented.

My friends are right. What has gotten into me?

Sometimes in my sober moments, I would think of my father and my brother, and I would wonder if all this pleasure was worth it.

Would my life continue like this?

I miss them.

I need to forget them.

Thank you so much for spending the time to read my stories. You can check out my other stories here or read the first part.

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comfort eboigbe

Hi, I'm Comfort and I am a Christian. I write to understand myself and others. Join medium ( to see other things w