Exact 5 Reasons — Why You Should Buy Medium Membership

99% of You Who’ll Change Your Mind If You Read This.

Mayur Jadhav
6 min readAug 15, 2023


Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

The Medium Membership is definitely not for you, if you don’t like to think, read, write, and earn money.

It’s free to write on Medium. You don’t need to buy a membership to publish content.

And that’s true.

If you’ve already made up your mind, I still recommend you to read this before you finally conclude.

There have been lots of developments in recent days. The Medium is a constantly evolving platform.

They have made changes in the past but this time they came up with the killer strategy.

It isn’t an entirely new but refined version of an existing Partner Program along with some other great features.

I was also not fond of writing on Medium before but when I came across the new reformed version of Medium, I immediately decided to go ALL-IN.

Honestly, I wasn’t aware of the full potential of Medium back then.

But now I know and I’m sharing with you.

I hope it will help you think in different way and give another thought on exploring and using the Medium platform at its full potential.

In case if you’re already convinced and want to buy medium membership, do check out this story to save 50% on Medium membership.

No hidden charges, no sponsored or affiliate links, nothing!

It’s a pure information.

It’s a free gift for you.

No Ads-No Distraction

Whether it is blog articles, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Quora, or YouTube videos, when you’re reading, watching, learning something, suddenly Ads popups and naturally you lose your focus.

Seamless, and with zero distraction, you will like content on Medium. Medium allows you to read a couple of stories per month for free. But if you want to read more stories then you should have Medium membership that costs you less than the price you pay for a pizza.

A large disc of dough, covered with tomato paste, pieces of mozzarella cheese, and other toppings such as chopped vegetables, sausages, salami baked together in a very hot oven — cost you $15 but Medium membership comes with only $5 for the entire month.

If you’re from India, it’ll cost you much less, almost half of what people pay in the USA due to PPP(Purchasing Power Parity). Check out this story to learn more about Medium and its prices based on PPP.

I’m sure you can happily sacrifice one pizza to read content on Medium for an entire month. At least I can expect you’ll try for one month to see if it’s worth it or not!

Unique & Quality Content

Another good reason to have Medium membership is to read high quality content. The internet is filled with lots of good and bad content.

If you do a simple google search, first you need to scroll through sponsored Ad links, then you have to go through all the articles. There is no guarantee that you’ll find well researched, high quality content on the first page of Google.

Thanks to the SEO bro — who do anything and everything to index their or their clients’ crappy articles on the first page of Google.

It’s always a hustle and time consuming activity to find quality content on the internet.

There are solid reasons why you’ll find comparatively less garbage content on Medium. The first reason could be Medium is for serious writers and readers.

That seriousness comes by paying membership fees. Scammers and bots are more likely not to pay for a platform especially when they have tons of other options available.

You can’t run google ads, or any third party ads on your content. Hence getting views or clicks on Ads aren’t the priority for you as a writer to make money.

Thank God.

That is not even the option available on Medium.

If you’re already using Medium for a couple of days, you must have realized that Medium has set high bar when it comes to quality.

Immediate Response From Writers/Authors

I have a list of my favorite writers who write mind-blowing content on Medium. They have thousands of followers on Medium and outside Medium. They run multiple businesses.

It’s difficult to get connected with them and have one-on-one (like) conversations. Medium membership allows you to react to Medium stories with claps and comments.

It’s the best opportunity to interact with them. Ask difficult questions or queries on specific topics by checking out their latest and relevant articles, and writing comments.

It’s more likely that you’ll get a reply from the author in the next 24 hours.

Monetize Your Interest (Sell Product Or Services)

You choose your content based on your skills, interest, and passion. If you’re writing about coding on Medium, then you can create some premium content such as courses, ebooks, cheat sheets, etc which you can monetize using platforms like Gumroad.

You could even promote your services through your content. I personally use Gumroad to host my digital products.

3 Simple Steps To Go:

  1. Be consistent on writing stories on Medium
  2. Create digital products or services
  3. Occasionally promote through your stories

What can you sell?

Literally, everything and anything as long as you have relevant readers on Medium.

Here are few examples:

— Ebook

— Checklist

— Cheat sheet

— Templates

— How-to Guide

— Curated content

— Consultation services

— 1-on-1 mentorship

— Online digital course

— Email course

— CBC (Cohort-Based Course)

— Affiliate Products

The above list is definitely not limited. You could add many other things which can be monetized through writing on Medium.

Medium Partner Program

This is an extended version of my previous point. This is also an effective method to monetize your content by doing nothing but only publishing regularly quality content on Medium.

You get paid for writing on Medium based on content views, interactions, comments, etc.

The eligibility criteria is also simple.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. You must be Premium Medium Member
  2. You must have published at least one article in the last 6 months
  3. You must be located in an eligible country.

Is’t that simple?

If this is not motivating you enough then nothing else can motivate you. I’m a little mean here but this is what it is –at least with most of you (including me as well).

Cancel Your Membership at Anytime

The Medium membership is not binding. You can try Medium for one month and stop your subscription from the second month if you don’t like it.

Similarly you can resume it at any time you want. If you’re not convinced enough then I’d recommend you to start with a monthly membership subscription. So after each month you get the option to opt out or continue with the subscription.

For serious people I highly recommend buying a yearly subscription. A yearly subscription comes with a discounted price.

So it’s wise to purchase a yearly subscription and avoid monthly bills which are a bit expensive compared to yearly bills.

Medium Membership Not For You

The Medium membership is not for everyone.

It shouldn’t be for everyone.

It’s never been.

There are some traits that I’ve identified who’s for what. Here is one for Medium membership:

The Medium is not for you, if you don’t like money.

The Medium is not for you, if you don’t like reading at all.

The Medium is not for you, if you don’t like positive change.

The Medium is not for you, if you don’t like learning new things.

The Medium is not for you, if you don’t like smart people around.

The Medium is not for you, if you enjoy reading low quality content.

The Medium is not for you, if you enjoy timeless research to find content.

The Medium is not for you, if you enjoy scrolling IG Reels or TikToks over anything else.

If you like this story then follow me on Medium to read more stories like this.

Twitter is my second most favorite platform. If you’re there send me “Hi..” on Twitter at @ mayurjadhavpage



Mayur Jadhav

BI Developer. Writer. Creative Educator. Building → learnSASCode.com | 43k on LinkedIn