How The Law of Vibration Can Shape Your Destiny (Part 2)

Is it real or just a myth?



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Photo by Mike Lewinski on Unsplash

How was my adult life?

When it came to my career, I just lacked popularity despite my performance and my attractive looks.

Now I understand why one of my colleagues doubted that I started the business alone. She didn’t believe that I had the capability.

Yeah, she was right. I had a more capable partner, my then-boyfriend, who called the most shots. I was merely in the execution role.

I understand now why another colleague of mine — a sweet young thing looked at me weirdly.

She was probably thinking, why wasn’t I doing the things like her — grabbing a wealthy husband at our hottest age? I was considered an attractive young lady by then.

My love and relationships life was a disaster. Lack of self-love and life wisdom caused me to fail, with a throw of fate into the mix.

Met the Right Guy at the Wrong Time; Met the Wrong Guy at the Right Time.

This sums up my love story.

Love or marriage is all about timing.

The failures in my career and personal life for years made me someone who emanates extreme negative energy. People would want to run away when they see me.

During my pre-university education, I remember my brain was ‘blocked,’ and I couldn’t think further about the more complex subjects.

I was too young to understand then, but now I know it was a blockage, both mentally and spiritually.

Can this blockage be cured?

It was so deep down to my spiritual(heart) level.

It was embedded in my genes. My father was short-tempered, and my mother was very emotional with low EQ. It's too bad I inherited these two negative energies from them.

I wished I had a higher IQ.

My short-lived success in my career was probably due to my luck. I did have some merits, but they weren’t enough to sustain it long-term. Often, my poor interpersonal skills were the culprit of the downfall.

‘If you obtain success with pure luck without merit, you will surely lose it with your demerit one day’ — Anonymous

As though there was some invisible force blindfolding me. I couldn’t see my mistakes and lacked the willpower to overcome them.

I lacked self-awareness.

After a string of misfortunes almost breaking my soul, I finally mustered all my courage to remove the blindfold!

I must elevate my vibration to a higher frequency to win this battle.

In my culture, an old saying is that some people can bump into a spirit(ghost) under very low vibration.

Does spirit or ghost truly exist?

My neighbor’s teenage son has seen this often. According to my culture, he possesses a special ‘gift’ to see the spirit roaming around.

He said the spirit has different colors representing the types of spirit, whether friendly, harmful, or fierce.

I was shocked to disbelief!

What do I do to elevate my vibration to increase my luck?

After doing some research, these are what I practice:

  1. Meditation

It calms my mind and my heart. It helps to clear the clutters and allows me to see what is hidden beneath all my misfortunes.

It helps me to monitor my thoughts and prevent negative thoughts from creeping back.

Thoughts, Beliefs, and Emotions creates our vibrations which translate to Energy.

If you feel good and are positive, the faster your vibration is, the higher your energy level. This is what it means to change our energy to a higher level.

That’s why there is great emphasis on staying positive. Always look at the bright side and put in our best effort to live happier lives.

2. Gratitude

Gratitude helps me to get rid of resentment and anger. These negative emotions exhausted my energy. It sucks away my limited energy from my already weak body.

Resentment is a compelling emotion.

We often hear some real-life haunted house stories of how scary the spirits can be.

Those ‘fierce’ spirits roaming around are said to be filled with resentment. This caused them to look for their killer for revenge if there was a chance or to examine their victims to accompany them.

If you believe in the incarnation, these resented spirits will look for their perpetrators for revenge in other lifetimes when there is a chance. Hence, forgiveness is one of the ways to stop this karmic loop.

I forgave anyone who had done me wrong, including myself.

Journaling works best for me. It allows me to pour out all my negative and toxic energy inside of me. Singing helps, too.

Crying works for me as well. All the toxic energy flows out together with my tears. Exercises, e.g., gym workouts, walking, yoga, and dancing, also help me release the accumulated years of negative energy inside my body.

3. Positive self-talk

I practice words of affirmation daily, even if I’m busy for a few minutes.

I see myself as my best friend and want to bring out the best in me. I keep working on improving my weaknesses at the same time, accepting and embracing my imperfections.

4. Work hard and smart

The harder you work, the luckier you are.

Working smart with the right strategy is very important to bring the result you desire. Otherwise, it only frustrates you, and you may give up.

I constantly research the strategy or get advice from mentors. I keep track of my progress by observing the results to see if anything needs to be tweaked.

Sometimes, when I come across relevant topics written by fellow writers on Medium and know I’m on the right track, it delights me!

Have you heard about High-frequency Food? I shall cover this in Part 3.

To be continued in Part 3(final)…

Buy Me A Coffee

I’m glad to share this with Tom Deveaux and George M Pantazis, who show particular interest in this topic.


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