The Journey Begins

Part 5: An Untitled Story Sequence

comfort eboigbe
2 min readFeb 19, 2024


My friends and I settled on moving to a city called Babel. A huge city far from here and known for its liberal appetites.

It is a city my father will not be caught dead in and that is what makes it the perfect choice.

A land his pull will never reach.

I picked only a few things. I was starting a new life, what use is there for old trinkets that can be replaced.

It took me a little over a week.

My father made things easy for me. He liquidated almost everything that was my inheritance except the lands and investments.

I generously sold off all the land to my brother at a fairly reasonable price.

I cashed out the investments.

You know, I initially thought of leaving the investments as they are, but Benjamin, one of the guys, helped me see that all the investment guys are my father’s men.

It will give him a chance to monitor and control me.

I can’t have that.

Besides, I could just start up other investments in Babel.

As I walked away from my home, I saw my father waiting for me just before the gate. He stood in my way with my brother behind him.

“Will you really leave us, can’t you stay?” he said

“Dad, I no longer have a portion in you. I can no longer bear it here.” I responded

“Do you truly consider me a horrible father?” My father asked.

How do I respond to that?

Of course I would miss my father and brother and this home, but I can’t stay here. Nothing appeals to me here.

“It’s time for me to go.” I said.

He stepped out of the way to let me pass

“If you must, son”

I started to walk away when his voice stopped me.

“Where will you go?”

I wish he didn’t ask.


My father and brother winced but I didn’t get the satisfaction I expected.

“If you must go that far, take this” my father said and handed me a necklace. It wasn’t anything special, just a wooden cross.

Of all things.

I grabbed it and hid it in my pocket and ran off to meet my friends.

The Journey begins!!!

Thank you so much for spending the time to read my stories. You can check out my other stories here or you can read the first part.

Have a blessed day!



comfort eboigbe

Hi, I'm Comfort and I am a Christian. I write to understand myself and others. Join medium ( to see other things w