I didn’t tell him that I Make Money Online?

This happened today — It was his first class with us.

3 min readMar 22, 2024


As I mentioned in my previous article, my first semester is over.

I am promoted to the second semester now and this new subject called, “Principles of Management” is one of our six subjects.

It was our first class today and this new teacher entered the class and started by letting us introduce ourselves one by one which also included the question, “Why did you choose this field?”

I answered, “Because I am interested in programming”.

Then sir continued with telling us about himself and he said that he does crypto trading and it is going well.

Also, he said that he was working online when he was just a student. He advised us to start working from now and that we should work on our growth mindset. He talked about everything that people who make money online talk about.

I am definitely impressed because this happened for the first time seeing my teacher interested in things that I am truly passionate about and he seemed knowledgeable and experienced enough in making money online.

Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

He then asked us if any of us were a freelancer or work online.

Two of the boys from my class and none of the girls raised their hands. Both of the boys mentioned that they work on Upwork and Fiverr related to graphic designing and WordPress website development.

It was shocking to see that only two of the 50+ students raised hands.

I work online too and it has been almost 2 years now. But I didn’t raise my hand. Maybe there are some more too who work online but they chose not to speak about it.

Why I chose not to speak about it?

I chose not to speak about it because:

  1. I want to keep this private.
  2. I would rather like to share about this once I can claim that I have truly achieved something. Yet, I am just in the growing stage and need to work harder.
  3. I don’t want to be stalked on the internet by my classmates.
  4. I don’t want them to think I am making good money with plenty of time in my routine when I am struggling to manage my online things along with my studies. (Basically, I would rather fully explain both sides of my story or stay quiet about it).

Final thoughts:

I am sure that some of you might think that this is strange and why would someone not share this? It is just a small piece of information about you.

Honestly, with this small part of the information, I have bigger dreams ahead and would like to work on it silently. The less people know, the lower the rate they can say something to demotivate or distract me.

I am doing it for myself, not to announce or make it my whole personality.

Introverts would understand me better.

The less they know about me, the happier and focused I am.

Thank you!




A Computer Science student who has fallen in love with reading and writing. About me+ Business+Money making+Blogging.