Your Poisoned, Grinch Heart Is Keeping Your Life In Spoils

Kalyn BR
5 min readMay 1, 2024

The Antidote Will Effortlessly Relieve You & Bring Your Dreams

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My heart is poisoned. It causes unwarranted feelings, behaviors and even outbursts. Of course, a part of me tries to suppress this poison, but that takes energy. The poison lowers my frequency and dominates my energy, robbing me of my ability to put my energies towards my dreams.

Yes, that poisoned heart is like Dr. Seuss’s “The Grinch” heart.

You Too?

I know, your heart is poisoned too. If you think yours isn’t, you haven’t paid attention. We all have this poison, it’s also called Karma, the energy we are here to refine.

Poison, however, is a better word for it because it paints a picture. That poison sits and festers in your heart — unless treated.

It gathers disappointment, unfair experiences and justifies why your shortcomings or your bad luck keep growing or coming back — turning you into a victim. At the same time, it blames you, pointing out that there is something inherently wrong with you. It’ll say you ARE the poison.

As if it were a physical poison in your heart, it can even lead to heartbreak or disease. It’ll ruin your day, your life; it will shatter your dreams and riddle you with mental, emotional and physical pain.

It will even cause you actual heart problems.

Yes, that poison can manifest in one of an infinite number of ways, but it has a way of turning into your own, private hell.

The Antidote

Like the Grinch, don’t be fooled into thinking that you can steal from the Who to make yourself feel better. The Grinch tried taking things: the Who celebration, their feast, their things.

Your poisoned inner Grinch probably thinks that money, the perfect lover, or success would warm your heart. However, nothing has. Nothing in your life will cure you.

The irony and greatest challenge to this poison is that the antidote also lies in your heart (and soul).

There is no surgery or magic potion that will alter the poison; only raising your frequency will. You must become a spiritual alchemist.

The Real Alchemist

We’re all fascinated by the idea of alchemy, the ability to turn lead into gold. However, we all know that the elements in lead and gold are different and can’t be changed.

True alchemy must, therefore, go deeper than the elements to alter what is below them, to the energetic frequency.

Yes, bringing a higher-frequency to anything can alter it.

The real question is, how do we alter the poison in our hearts?

The Magic Mindset

Being an alchemist who transforms himself and uses magic to their her life has a certain mindset that includes at least the following:

I can tell you that you must listen to yourself, listen to and flow how you genuinely feel. But I must point out that you can’t indulge in your feelings or justify them. You can’t let the ire of your feelings rage and burn, or you will burn things in your life.

This alchemist magic is also free of blame. Most people see their circumstances as the result of another’s actions; life, their parents, another driver on the street or anyone else is victimizing them. This mindset only stokes the ire.

The spiritual alchemist knows that the poison is just life. The source or cause are irrelevant. Only the cure is worth their attention.


Similarly, understanding needs to be understood!

One of the first lessons I give to people who are new on a spiritual path is the awareness that, even though we all seek to be understood by others, we can’t be. No one will ever fully realize what you are going through — nor are they meant to. Only our egos seek to be understood in order to justify our feelings, our ire or our failures.

Instead, a magical alchemist is filled with self-understanding.

Winston Churchill — ‘Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm’

As Churchill quote says, you don’t lose your enthusiasm. This means that you understand your feelings, your pain and poisoned heart, but you don’t deem them failures. You don’t lose sight of the cure. In this way, you hold a higher ground.

Dispensing The Cure

A poisoned heart needs to be opened to release the pain, the karma and the experiences that are taking their toll. This means that you need to spend time realizing, listening to and hearing yourself. Spend time being with any versions of yourself from the past that haunt you. If you are carrying pain from the past, bring it to now. Flow it. (How to flow your energy description at end)


The true cure to your poison is love.

You can love yourself, understanding that you are just having a human experience, which can be hell. Love yourself without victimizing yourself. Again, the magical alchemist let’s the pain, the poison, come and be here. He/she doesn’t deny or avoid the pain, but also doesn’t drown in it. Instead, he/she learns to bring the higher frequency of love, which can be experienced as white light or as energy from I AM, from the Soul, or any other Source Energy.

The magical alchemist doesn’t identify in the poison or the story of hell that he or she has endured.

The Alchemist’s Mindset

We are all born with this Grinch heart, but we don’t have to be it or live it. Change your mind, decide that you can transform your heart like the true alchemist you are.

Be the light? How? Step one, which will take you much further than you realize, is to keep choosing to be light, love, I AM…

How To Flow Your Energy

To flow your energy, just follow these three steps:
1. Welcome your experience
2. Let yourself experience your experience, let it affect you.
3. Let it flow or go.

For more info and an article with more information on flowing your energy, go here



Kalyn BR

Helping People Live Their Dreams As Intuitive Retreat Leader: US, Mexico & Bali, On-going Groups & Author (10 Books incl. Shamanic Egg Cleansing) | Flowing.Zone