Go to I’m Not Allowed To Watch The News
I’m Not Allowed To Watch The News
If you’re a reasonable American, you’re probably sick and tired of politics. Welcome to the “Exhausted Majority.” Politics in America, and the government it yields, is like Thanksgiving Day at my mother’s house: dysfunctional, expensive, and it makes you a little nauseous.
Note from the editor

If you’re a reasonable American, you’re probably sick and tired of politics. Welcome to the “Exhausted Majority.” Politics in America, and the government it yields, is like Thanksgiving Day at my mother’s house: dysfunctional, expensive, and it makes you a little nauseous.

Go to the profile of Historian
Host of the History’s Trainwrecks Podcast — this is the stuff they never taught us in history class.
Go to the profile of Stacey Roberts
Stacey Roberts
Stacey Roberts is a history geek, business owner, father, podcaster, and the author of “Trailer Trash, With a Girl’s Name.” trailertrashbook.com