The Eight Stages of Perfectionism

Sarah Thomas, PhD
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2018

I’m officially doing the most.

Today, I posted a blog about love (the platonic kind…nosey lol), and shared a song that I made a long time ago that captured a similar feeling. TL;DR — the song sucks.

So then, I started freaking out, thinking everyone would think that the full extent of my musical capabilities was displayed on that song, so decided to write another post about how I really don’t suck, and here’s the proof, and yadda yadda yadda.

Since this is 37 and my goal is to be better than 36, I decided to try to get out of my comfort zone and beat this fear of singing in public. Like a fool, I decided to go acapella, with no musical backing track or even handheld microphone (my preferred prop to hide behind). Yet, I was smart enough to know not to dare to try this on Periscope. Maybe that’s a goal for 38.

I tried, and get an A for effort. My friends, I present you with…

The Eight Stages of Perfectionism!!!!!

Stage 1: Planning

Stage 2: Rationalizing

Stage 3: First Attempt

Stage 4: The Pep Talk

Stage 5: Punking Out

Stage Six: Freaking Out

Stage Seven: Convincing Who, Exactly?

Stage Eight: Epic Fail

And there it is.

Edit: In hindsight, I should have put the phone down.



Sarah Thomas, PhD
Editor for

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