David Peck
Imagining an “Internet” of the Air (IoA)
19 min readFeb 13, 2018


Abuelo Florencio Garcia, a lonesome vaquero, cowboying and singing in dance halls in the 1930’s — from Raton, New Mexico to Billings, Montana. Uncle Tito Martinez stayed closer to home and watched the price of cattle collapse until they lost the ranch on the other side of the Capolin Volcano. Look on a map for Martinez peak; they left Tomas Martinez the name, but had taken all his land. That’s a kinda chronotope, but for a a novel. See Bakhtin, Forms of Time and Chronotope in the Novel, The Dialogic Imagination.

A Design for “chronotope” sending and reception in a WOTi-Network (W-dtn)

Code is Design; Data is the New Money

A Design for a WOTi node in a DTN that includes: a memory; and a processor coupled to the memory and configured to execute data transfer processing for the DTN; the data transfer processing includes the reception of chronotope bundles that then are sent hopping along to any hetergenous destination node on the DTN. Some promiscious code to connect anythings that will move them along, because it is trusted like a gold coin; a Chronotope as a kind of BTU, or British Thermal Unit; tiny baby bonds that offer three coupons: for the accumulation, consumption, and transfer of Chronotopal internet juice among the informal unbanked majority — and things. (Insert slides World bank 4 billion, the 5 trillion in dead assets.) We have the very small numbers, but we also got the very big real numbers; because for somethings, it takes more than village — it might take a trillion and a billion to animate this WOTinetwork. The 690 million with a mobile money account are given the same tools as those in the emerging economies of the global south, excluding Russia and China that generate $12 trillion, or 1/5 of the world economic output. 5 Trillion alone in dead assets. “50% of this purchasing power resides at the bottom of the pyramid.” The chronotopics “animates” these assets, by connecting them to the newly created “identity” of these “informal majority” customers. We can help them call stuff by their names: In this jar, I’ve got a pink chronotope to cashier for my daughter’s wedding; but the green chronotope is to trade for fertilizer in the spring. This one get’s sent on the first of the month to a family member back home; that one for weather alerts to help me plant and harvest; billions of deposits and withdrawls from this magnanmonity account. Chronotopes code their “if this, then that,” rules, just-in-time, to respond imediatly to protean contexts. (See the G Gopen, the shape changer: Proteus)

“…every entry into the sphere of meanings is accomplished through the gates of the chronotope.” – M.M. Bakhtin in The Dialogic Imagination

This Delay/Disruption/Tolerant Network (DTN) is designed to transfer chronotopes among trillions of “things,” of the Internet of Things (IoT), and among a billion people, earning less than $2 a day. What do we know about them. (SEE ignacio mass extensively describe them. Integrate with the people and their communications, See below quote of orgaizational communication and design.) Because the informal majority are more likely to experience communication disruptions, with no stable communication paths between a transmission source node and a destination node for a certain point of time, each node must both store and forward chronotopes. A plurality of DTN nodes achieve data delivery between a transmission source node and a destination node by autonomously relaying data bundles controlled with a chronotopic auction pricing mechanism for the achievement of an equilibrium between inflation – caused by a bitcoin affect; and the deflationary forces – caused by near unlimited supply. A significant risk for MNOs is losing control over the price of airtime. This can only be mitigated by the re-corelation of forces provided by competition among MNOs for chronotope delivery. MNOs have to get the same kind of control, as a sports team in a league; we know who the owners are but we need to see some details of the rules that will govern this league. When the unexpected arrives, a family group could hold a Chronotope-In and recieve Chronotopes from others; but then transfer them for the stuff they need at the market price. You only need a functional pricing mechanism; an authenticator; and and a transfer mechanism. Every Chronotope is customized, forstering innovation, like a healthy flu virus — when it leaves — it is different than when it entered. We need to think out an economics of this programable “Internet Air“. MNOs need a good argument for relinquishing control of the sales of it¨s raw products; MNOs get 20% increase in sales at their current margins, right away. For them, this increased sales comes at lower costs.

(1) https://www.elespanol.com/economia/empresas/20180226/telefonica-facebook-conectaran-millones-personas-latinoamerica/287971737_0.html

Code the Design with Data as Money.

Organizations which design systems… are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations — Melvin E. Conway

How to design for a network structure of a billion customers earning less than $2 a day, where an end-to-end connection between a given source and destination may never be present. This majority lives in a world where bad outcomes are more likely. For this informal majority Mas tells us: “Social and environmental shocks are sudden, and without the crutches of a good education, wealth, and socioeconomic class, the chances of remaining in the status quo or slipping into a worsened future are high. There is very little chance of breakaway success. Risks loom larger than opportunities. People in this group often work in the informal sector or seek services such as health and finance from the informal sector. We therefore call them the informal majority; the group includes the majority of the world’s poor.7 With such a pessimistic perspective on the future, the informal majority are more likely to rely on short planning horizons and greater flexibility managing money; increasing imediate options increases their certainty and influence over the future: The probability increases for the maintanance of their spending routines — even with change.

…“Yet, “…if one were to take the graph formed by the nodes based on their connectivity dictated by their radio range and consider the overlap not only over space but also time then there is a high likelihood that the network will appear as a single connected component. So while at any given instant, the network may not be connected, it may still be possible to route data from a source to a destination.”

By cacheing chronotopes at “cluster head nodes that have the highest social levels” our customers will have the fastest available access for their Get (G) and Send (S2) chronotope commands. And by selecting those with “the greater mobility of node results in higher number of contacts with other nodes and higher probability in message delivery to the destination.

This proposal is designed to shift the emphasis of the chronotopics of a WOTi Network— from a mostly block&chained crypto-currency concept of virtualizing the storefront cash registers of Timbuctou; or as a payment method for Internet Agents; or especially linking airtime transfers to MNO billing; because the wide margins for airtime sales can be over 40% — and these margins can be increased by getting MNOs out of the billing business — only producing and selling. It’s a deal between the devils we know, our MNOs; because these conceptualizations have crash landed onto the real numbers — “Person-to- Person transactions make up almost 72% of total value of transactions” — and most of these are transactions for airtime top-ups; to conceptualize the Chronotopics — as a tool.

A worply WOTi networked tool designed with lot’s of delays and distruptions. That’s right: our delayed and disrupted WOTiNet is the critical last horizon inch/minute infrastructure of the digital frontier — a WOTi deployment of a 5G network. We’ll do the furthest mile, the edge of the digital frontier for maximal disruption to liquidity farming by digitizing it — for the banked and the unbanked.

For instance, with a wireless sensor network with some mobile nodes (Shah et al. (2003); Juang et al. (2002)) acting as relays to assist in the data-collection phase… connected to the internet; LETS imagine what WE could do with it; 2. For example, look at these 3 customer experiences — (our short stories); …and, 3. this is how WE can do it with these organizing strategies (tiny business and organizing plans);

WOTi Network: data:guess:test:data:guess:test:data:guess:test:data:guess:test:data:guess:test:data:data:guess:test:data:guess:test:data:guess:test:data; MONEY

By outsourcing these airtime top-ups to a social entity, an MNO increases their margins even more that allows for increased investment into the creation of digital identities by specialized teams — to design mini-marketing campaigns and tiny business plans, for their growing new customer base by liquidity farming on a wide scale with giveaways and loans of Chronotopes. It’s comforting to know that from the depths of these spacey, far-out networks are also the tool s to connect a Trillion things(#IoT), here on Earth, to a Billion customers of the Informal majority — at the bottom of the pyramid #BOP, with the #TOP., to a liquidity farm for the informal majority. So what do we know about these liquidity farmers:

“Since their context changes often, the informal majority need to come up with a series of “if this, then that” rules that they can quickly apply when situations arise.” — Mas

The Chronotopics offers a tool box for liquidity farmers to construct their liquidity farms by the transfer, accumulation, or consumption of Chronotopes. Because organizing the people in your “entirely virtual liquidity farm” increases not only the liquidity options at your disposal, but this organizing also increases both the resources and the options available to this network. When the unexpected arrives, a family group could hold a Chronotope-In and recieve Chronotopes from others; but then transfer them for the stuff they need at the market price. At this critical moment you offer more options that increase their certainty and influence over the future. You only need a functional pricing mechanism; an authenticator; and and a transfer mechanism. Every Chronotope is customized, forstering innovation, like a healthy flu virus.

A Method for Digital Liquidity Farming by creating a network marketplace for chronotopes — for the direct and near instant lessening of the intensity of poverty of the informal majority

A Chronotope is the currency for the animation of social and business relationships of liquidity farmers, by both building a network, but also by providing for the direct, instant accumulation, consumption, and transfer of Chronotopes. A fictional air time, made real, by its potential to be consumed, accumulated, or traded for goods and services.

"Think of liquidity farming as a strategy of building options today for sourcing liquidity in the future.” — Ignacio Mass

So what’s in it for the MNOs? On the other end of the long arc of this liquidity farming — is a network connected to an MNO “rainmaker.” For example, if an MNO sends a Chronotope to a hundred million customers with the sole condition that they send (S2) this Chronotope to anyone, or anything; and when this transaction is completed, they get two Chronotopes to do what what they will, such as trade for a a chicken, or goat. Or perhaps send a chronotope to a 100,000 customers — as an advance — and ask them to pay it back when they can — for the creation of a credit identity that could make the difference between subsistance and starvation.

When one leaves the gravity of brick and morter and enters into the Chronotopics of the billions of customers and the trillions of things, a lighter touch is required to involk their imaginations: You first need to imagine this internet of the air… where identity is money.

You see things; and you say: „Why?“ But I dream things that never were; and I say: „Why not?“ – George Bernard Shaw

Cover Image: cool, movie like poster of blurry ethereal crowd of people looking away –inside a circle.

The intangibles
Definition of Tangible: easily seen or recognized;
Definition of intangible: not made of physical substance: unable to be touched

After much spent treasure by governments, NGOs, and non-profits, so many still struggle without the resources to bring themselves out of the dark shadows of poverty. They are as though invisible to the telecoms, banks, and IAs — we think they are there, but only because of the data.
Image: The “Intangibles” circle becomes a big black dot that disappears into a point What does the data tell us about them. There are the very big numbers: Mark Zuckerberg tells us there are 4.5 billion people with no internet. The Global Findex data tells us there are 2 billion with no financial tools. And there are the very small numbers. Two. $2.00 dollars that 2.7 billion people have to survive day to day 2/3 of whom have no bank account.
Image: from the dot, concentric circles Click for the 2, click, 2.7, and click 4.5 billion with crowds flickering dimly in black and white — the circle is seen in 2D wrapped in string. A ball of string.
Can a business do what governments, NGOs, and non-profits could not? Cronotopics was founded on the belief that we can connect these people as customers to a tiny, instant “airtime” transaction service — by pulling an comms signal, at scale, across the world’s networks.

Image: a ball of string pulling a length of string.
These already interconnected global telecom networks can be leveraged by the networks of internet agents. Air time can be given to anyone; gotten from anyone from anywhere,
for any phone with no commission. We simply connect the existing global networks of

Telecoms and internet agents to networks of people to give and get airtime — billions of tiny transactions of pure airtime.
Image: produce a mocked-up print advertisement. Show a “Chronotope” button on a feature phone.
Tag line: Give to: Instant, easy, and free — airtime transfers — for you & for me. A customer need only know another telephone number to give or get airtime from anyone, anywhere. With Give to: we can scale to connect the globe.

Image: the network all lit up with some dark areas. A shimmering topologic fabric spread across the globe.

We increase the incentive for the extension of this comms signal by increasing demand at the remote edge of these networks with tiny, instant, free, and easy transactions of airtime.

We increase the affordability of the comms signal, because we increase the purchasing capacity of the poor by increasing the choices for how their air time is obtained and transacted; by increasing trade in pure airtime; by increasing the consumption of airtime and mobile data — we can increase the sporadically received assets of those with too little.

Image: the network all lit up with some dark areas — that begin to show activity represented by light around the edges of these “holes”. A happier sparkling globe.

We can create a vast market of tiny — just in time “jobs” with this Give to: tool. We can Give to: Share — where customers have set up an airtime sharing group. We can add a “When:” button: now, daily, weekly. “Give to: daily.” Or perhaps: Give to: daily up to 50 cents.

Image: show an animation of the sequence of these buttons in action on feature phone.

A tool for innovations that arise from the experimentation of customers that generates data that instructs innovative new uses of these tools to generate more data… A pull algorithm sitting on a Give to: service. Give to: produces data interpreted by an analytics engine to tell us who needs what when for a new design or redesign.

Image: Show network design spreading horizontally.
Google’s and Internet.org’s vertical “push” approach could benefit from a horizontal “pull” of demand. This demand by “fuzzy finance” sustainably pulls the comms signal along horizontally to naturally extend the far edges of these networks.

Pushing the signal vertically replicates the weak results of the billions of dollars spent by NGOs, Governments, and non-profits for the alleviation of poverty. Initiatives that push up MNOs OPEX/CAPEX and lowers their margins are unlikely to provide the incentives to scale. Coowry explicitly connects both the lack of access to information and the lack of financial
tools with the introduction of the chronotpoe as a mass market digital tool as a “natural” extension of the customer’s physical experience. Airtime to bring this comms signal to the 4.5 billion without one. Tiny airtime transactions
to provide simple safe tools for the 2 billion with more awkward financial tools, such as jewelry or livestock. Simply airtime. Any of the 7 billion mobile suscribers can benefit from this service by transferring their airtime balance to any other mobile user; for the purchase of both digital services and physical services; and as an instrument for internet agents or businesses, in general, to settle debts to their providers and partners. The widespread utilization of the chronotope will herald in an alternative method of exchange to one based on money, from which, operators, internet agents, and customers all benefit:
MNOs benefit with an influx of new revenues at their current margins; internet agents benefit with an efficient method of exchange for tiny-transactions; and any mobile customer benefits from these convenient tiny transactions.

The Chronotope quickly scales globally, because these tiny airtime transactions are governed by telecommunications regulations, not cumbersome banking law. With ten telecoms, providing a Give to: a will fit like a glove for what people actually do; the chronotope will extend what they do — around the globe. A Chronotope offers customers a simple, but innovative new service: the giving and the getting of tiny bits of airtime — commission free.

The Way It Could Be. Speed over polish in the creation of Customer Experience (CE) prototypes – described in the ruthless tiny business plans.

Only two industries refer to customers as users; software and the drug industry.

How can these CEs be best grouped together; what is the organizing principle: optimal $/transaction

The Internet of the Air Got a Ground Game

Proposal for a WATi test run, design spec. Maximum nodes seperated by maximum distance.

5 teams of “organizers”

It’s the software, stupid! What kind of open source 5G software is avalable. Build on that — create a tiny network then gear up the underground railroad for supply to create Uber-like exponential growth. But how do we search. What does Nokia offer, what does their software do? Hack the code on a big scale by rewriting it all for these goofy networks. Then everyone get’s a piece of the software pie, and we get a developer community.

Build a “virtual” WOTi test track for the testing of new prototypes from the chronotopers, the chronotope development community. AI builders on Mechanical Turk, 1 euro to test this device with this feedback. An AI driven WATi 5G network.

Notes on the Farmer’s Underground Signal Service

Farmer weather service with AI to mass optomise advisories with an elaborate ensory network at the edge of the digital frontier, between time and space. The thang, of the web of things, and “financed” with chronotopes. A rural farmer connected to distant markets with a “just right sized” and on time information service. Preload the device with music paid for with use by chronotope. When enough electricity is available, various speakers con be connected. Use AI to predict useful information for just in tome info pumped to them.

A Business Model with out MNOs as central to the plot

Push the best tech to the edge of the internet of things for the maximizing the number connected per dollar invested; constructed with “slow time and space.” It’s going to be networks that extent communications to the edge; WATi networks. Be the best/cheapest antena builders. Get some equipment from Nokia and become a hip MNO for the informal majority. Smart phones with pre-installed hardware that’s connected to all those things and a transponder; things hopping around running on chronotopes. All digital; others live in the real world; a chronotope is pure data.

Chronotope give away; give two on condition of one must be given away. Those that do are upgraded in the network and are offered more equipment. A screen, a modem, or a speaker.

What would our ideal device look like? A mess! Plug and play parts easily replaced; a dedicated supply chain with it’s one internal network, for the delivery of on-time parts. An underground railroad with hardware and software that can quickly scale. People intensive teams built to organize regions. See Women and Girls proposal.

Advertisement: Instant airtime transfers — for you & for me — fast, easy, and free.
1. A Mother, in Timbuktu, automatically gets 20 cents of airtime everyday, sent from her son in Toronto. She can accumulate this balance and exchange it for cooking oil in the market. Give to: oil vendor. She sets up a sharing group with some neighborhood women and family members. They all have a “Give to: monthly” with an agreed upon amount. The MNO likes these groups and helps spread them by giving them $10 in airtime to distribute to new members. If they distribute all of this $10, next month they get more. If they encourage the formation of another group in another village, they get $20.

Attributes: inter-NMO transactions
Organizing strategy: Digital or analogue An analogue organizing strategy would be sending an “organizer” to meet with the mothers in their villages at their homes.

2. Instant, easy, and free with no ID. Islamic instant airtime transfers — for you for me —instantly, easy, and free. No interest. “Unconditional airtime transfers.” For the 650 million Muslims at or below the poverty line.

Attributes: Adaption to religious sensibilities
Tagline: Islamic instant airtime transfers — for you for me — easy and free.

3. The Chronotope’s alternative to the World Bank’s conditional cash transfers, to keep
people from falling backwards into poverty, is “unconditional airtime transfers.”
Transfers from an airtime savings group — a philanthropic group in Berlin
responding to an emergency — with millions of free “tiny” airtime donations; or at a UN camp in Jordan for Syrian refugees where aid workers give airtime to all those with a phone, and thereby get their telephone numbers to facilitate communication for the coordination of outbreaks of infections; clinic hours and location; or food distribution.


4. We might even “network” this signal into a digital medium for transacting stuff — as credible as cash — for the exchange of airtime balances for either physical or digital stuff. Give to: Amazon .99 cents for a digital book. The widespread utilization of the Chronotope will herald in an alternative method of exchange to one based on money, from which, operators, internet agents, and customers all benefit: MNOs benefit with an influx of new revenues at their current margins; internet agents benefit with an efficient payment method for tiny-transactions; and any mobile customer benefits from these convenient tiny transactions.


5. Why not “tiny airtime loans” of 80 cents to buy 100MB of data — a tiny instant loan by Messenger, from your FB friends on demand; or Google paying a tiny amount in real-time to its AdSense affiliates to motivate them to do something now. This demand by “fuzzy finance”.


6. Internet Agents settlements to the network of affiliates, developers and partners. Most of these affiliates generate small amounts of revenues per month. Current settlement solutions are very inefficient. Payment with a Chronotope airtime reduces costs for the IA and provides an incentive to grow their network. Affiliate Networks are a market of $70B.


7. Micro task Platform in Indonesia: a large US media firm needs to enrich their content tags and key words; edit a database; monitor news and comments; and other low-skill tasks that require a human choice. Women and girls in Indonesia can perform these tasks and receive payment. Although payment through the formal financial channel isn`t possible, because either they are unbanked or the transaction costs are prohibitive for a sustainable relationship; payment in airtime is as good as cash that can be consumed for either talk; other communication services, or for digital goods. Microtasks are now a 20 billion market, but it is largely untapped.



8. Send to: My remote thing (See Internet of things {IoS})
Image: schematic drawing of feature phone “feeding” internet thing.
Attributes: Animate the internet of things.

Tagline: Hit me. A “thing” signals a need for airtime to designated network
Organizing strategy

9. P2P top up.Image:
10. Types of mini-donations
a. Wikipeadia
b. For a 10 minute read of an article, an exchange of 10 cents
11. Charity/philanthropy Airtime crowdfunding campaign for entire regions struck by
a natural disaster.

Organizing strategy
Get Chronotopics up and running on maximum of NMOs
Maximize transactions per invested $
Maximize inter-NMO transactions
Investment per transaction: High, Low
Digital versus analogue

“Disruption delay tolerant networks

Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) Infusion

The Internet works well where there are many reliable connections but doesn’t work when connections are few or unreliable; this is similar to a cell phone working well in cities but failing in remote areas. This is a problem in space as well as on Earth due to the extreme distances involved and few connections. When data are transmitted and received across thousands and even millions of miles, the delay and potential for disruption or data loss are significant. Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) is NASA’s solution to reliable internetworking for space missions

The first operational use of DTN started on the International Space Station (ISS) in May, 2016, using the T elescience Resource T oolkit (TReK) system developed by NASA. The ISS DTN service improves the ability to get payload science data from ISS to Earth and reduces operational planning. It also is a major step in creating a Solar System Internet.


Artist’s conception of Solar System Internet

DTN will enable a Solar System Internet for future space exploration missions that require data transfer over long distances or multiple connections. DTN will also improve communications on Earth in situations where communications are erratic, such as disaster response or the emerging “Internet of Things”.

To ensure that DTN is easily and widely used, NASA has worked with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the people who control how the Internet works, to get DTN accepted as a standard part of the internet services. This will allow DTN to be incorporated into future internet- connected computers and devices.

Development Team Leads

Scott Burleigh, JPL, was the lead developer for the Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION) DTN implementation used on ISS.
Kelvin Nichols, MSFC, was the lead for integrating DTN into the ISS payload ground support center.

Adam Schlesinger, JSC, was the technical lead for the AES DTN project and was instrumental in getting DTN installed on ISS.

Lead NASA Center: Johnson Space Center
Funding Organization: Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate/Advanced Exploration Systems”
For more information: https://techport.nasa.gov/view/11772






Zohra Benhamida, Fatima & Bouabdellah, Abdelmadjid & Challal, Yacine. (2017). Using delay tolerant network for the Internet of Things: Opportunities and challenges. 252–257. 10.1109/IACS.2017.7921980. Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a class of network architectures that address the lack of continuous network connectivity. This issue has been studied for over a decade by promoting new routing protocols. However, recent researches in DTN should rekindle proposed solutions to support new emerging network-based applications, in which DTN techniques can be used to offer delay tolerant support. Example of these applications domains is Internet of Things (IoT). We survey the use of DTN solutions in IoT applications to overcome connectivity problems considering the opportunities and challenges for each technology. The purpose of this work is to introduce most recent solutions that enable delay tolerant IoT. We propose a taxonomy and discuss advantages and limitations for each study.

@article{Benhamida2017UsingDT, title={Using delay tolerant network for the Internet of Things: Opportunities and challenges}, author={Fatima Zohra Benhamida and Abdelmadjid Bouabdellah and Yacine Challal}, journal={2017 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS)}, year={2017}, pages={252–257} }



