Mantra for Money and Success ~ Manifest Instant Wealth

Mark Stainer
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2020

Not always taken seriously, mantras are nevertheless capable of having a great influence on our daily life and our well-being. Mantras can bring love, fortune, success, money, health, wealth, prosperity and more generally; fulfillment on all fronts.

By knowing a powerful mantra for each area of ​​our life, we can greatly improve it and attract success.

OM Mani Padme Hum (Buddhist Wish-Fulfillment Mantra for Money & Success)

Note: GM34.25 Powerful Frequencies with Subliminal Music ~ Listen Twice a Day for 24 Days to manifest wealth, joy, prosperity, money and success.

A Powerful Mantra for Money and Success

Intimately linked to spirituality, the mantra is most often used as a support during meditation. Moreover, those who wish to attract and manifest wealth, money and success into their lives love to recite the required mantra regularly without fail.

Mantra is a sacred formula which comes to us from Hindu and Buddhist religions and which is recited in Sanskrit, Hindu philosophical language.

Beyond its meaning, when any given mantra is recited it creates vibrations (that aligns money & success vibration with yours) thanks to the consonances that compose it and it allows us to connect to spiritual waves which will make us benefit from their positive energy.

Before I mention anything, I must tell you that Gayatri Mantra is considered to be one of the MOST POWERFUL Mantra that is for Manifesting anything you can ever desire and that fulfills all your desires in a very very short span of time.

I would highly suggest and recommend the Gayatri Mantra and meditate twice a day, at least for 24 Minutes daily without fail and see the magic yourself, be the witness within 41 days.


The Green Tara Mantra Buddhist Mantra for Success and to attract money and/or wealth. A Powerful Subliminal Music to Raise Your Vibration, Elevate Frequency, Manifest Miracles and Positive Energy.

Mantra for Inner Peace and Happiness

The most powerful Mantra for Inner Peace and Happiness is the famous:


Pronounced by the wise from the dawn of time, this Mantra is capable of bringing inner peace, happiness, prosperity and helps us to reach a state of pure consciousness.

A Powerful Mantra to Get Love ~ Find True Love

A Powerful Mantra to Get Love ~ Find True Love

Mantras can help you find the love of your life, because to find a soul mate / true love, you must first make an inner change. You have to make room for someone else in your life and be ready to open your heart when the right person shows up.

A powerful mantra will allow you to achieve harmony between your body and your mind. You can invoke your guardian angel who will help you find love by reciting the following mantra:

“Om Jaya Jaya Sri Shivaya Svaha”

Thanks to it, your guardian angel will be able to guide you on the path of love, to adopt the right behavior and will help you not to miss your soul mate / true love when she presents herself.

Also Read: Gayatri Mantra Translation Word by Word Meaning in English

Reciting this mantra or listening to it daily will help you to get, find and attract love of your life - if you’re looking for true love and ready to accept then this mantra is going to do wonders in your life.

Mantra for Money and Success

The Most Powerful Money Mantra for Wealth & Success

The use of mantras causes an incessant and unlimited flow, which generates creation and abundance in all its forms.

If you wish to strengthen your good fortune, you can invoke the goddess Lakshmi, Hindu deity of money, wealth and success.

“Shreem Brzee”
~ The Smallest yet Most Powerful Mantra for Money & Success.

By reciting or merely listening to the most powerful mantra of Goddess Lakshmi: “Shreem Brzee” mantra, you will attract Lakshmi’s graces and experience material wealth but also spiritual prosperity and peace.

If you recite or even listen to this mantra daily, you will live a prosperous life and be protected from all the bad fortune.

By repeating, reciting or listening to this mantra on a regular basis means you’re sending positive signals to the Universe stating that you are ready and willing to get aligned with the money & success vibrations.

As and when you get yourself aligned with the vibrational frequency of money & success with the help of this mantra, you’ll start receiving wealth & abundance from limitless sources and variegated ways & methods.

Mantra for Money, Wealth & Success

I sincerely hope this effort of mine & the above mentioned Mantras for Money & Success help you to attract wealth and abundance into your life. Please feel free to ask (any query if you have), comment or share your feedback below.

Also Read:

Bija (Beej) Mantra for Human Body Chakras Meditation — How to Activate & Open



Mark Stainer

Writer and Editor of Silence Mind. I'm a writer from over 7 years now, passionate to write articles on Yoga, Meditation, Chakras and the Law of Attraction