My sexually active daughter wants to have sex!

Today’s letter is from Dear Prudence:

Hypocrites: I have had a huge fight with my college-age daughter over her boyfriend coming to visit her at home this summer. She wants him to be able to stay in her room rather than…

If you’re vague about chores, I’ll be vague about doing chores

A letter that is not wrong to Captain Awkward:

Dear Captain,
Every year I go on holiday in a cottage somewhere with the same group of 10 people. It’s lovely and a really…

Daughter Remote Controlled by Mom Needs to Hack Mainframe

A letter that is not wrong, from Captain Awkward:

“Dear Captain Awkward,
I did not grow up in a house that did conflict- I joke (but not really) that I wish my parents had fought…

Text Messages Control Your Life and You Can Never Escape

A letter that is not wrong from Miss Manners:

DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the appropriate action to take when one receives a text message that obviously was meant to go to someone else? I’ve always deleted…

My Throuple Has A Brother and A Sister, Normal Right?

A letter from Dear Wendy:

“I think my boyfriend and his sister are TOO close. His Instagram is covered with pictures of her (she’s in about 90% of the pictures he posts). He doesn’t even post pictures of the two…

Rude Religion Justified Because We Forgive Your Sucky Sin

A story from Internet Monk:

My daughter, taking a break from her pursuit of a graduate degree, is a server at the Chili’s a few miles down from our house. Like many others her age she is already pretty…

I’m a cool girl, ice cold for your own protection

A letter to Captain Awkward:

Hi, Captain!
I’m really suffering for my inability to say no. I’m pathologically afraid of refusing people or hurting them or letting them down, and so I keep…

My useless girlfriend wants to run her own life without my permission

A letter from Ask Dr. Nerdlove:

Hi Doc,
I would like to ask your opinion on my situation in my relationship. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost…