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Impact Hub Austin | Workforce Development Accelerator
Impact Hub Austin | Workforce Development Accelerator
Solving one of Austin's most pressing issues
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Career Cartography

Amerigo Vespucci was a Florentine explorer in the 1400s who mapped the stars of the southern hemisphere and ocean border of Brazil. Notably, he first proved Columbus’ discovery was not the eastern edge of Asia but instead a previously unknown continent. This matters, because more important than…

Value Prop and Process Map

We’re lucky to work with a team of gifted educators.

For us entrepreneurs, effectuation often seems the best strategy — we rush forward, hoping to learn and adapt as we go. What our teachers have taught us however is to backwards plan, first starting from…

Master Community Workforce Plan

This week we started the Impact Hub Workforce Development Accelerator. It’s a city-wide collaboration to find new approaches to up-skill 10,000 folks in our city in the next three years (to meet the Master Community Workforce Plan).