Join Me to Become a Team Navigator

Jurgen Appelo
3 min readJul 16, 2017


Do you agree that SAFe and Holacracy offer good ideas in bad packaging?
Do you agree that agile frameworks and methods are themselves not agile?
Do you know better practices for continuous team improvement?

Join me to work on Impact Spheres — but only if you care about change.

Your Title

Team Navigator

Your Assignment

You will create actionable guides that people can use while they are working. Instead of books and blogs full of tools and practices, you create step-by-step guides that people will use at their workplace. Instead of new exercises taught in workshops, you help team members learn new exercises on-the-job. Instead of e-learning modules and online courses, you publish work-life guidance that depends on people’s context. You will not teach people to get from A to B. You will navigate them from A to B. You do this in a team of volunteers, led and facilitated by Jurgen Appelo.

You will not teach people how to get from A to B. You will navigate them from A to B.

Your content will be available in the new Mind Settlers app created by the Agility Scales team.

(example on the left)

With your guides, you will be the navigator in the work-lives of teams that want to make an impact in their world. You make no frameworks. You make no methods. You make an ever-evolving ecosystem of guides, available on people’s smartphones, adapting to their context, and improving every day.

With your guides, you will be the navigator in the work-lives of teams that want to make an impact in their world

Your Navigation Skills

  • You have excellent knowledge of team practices
  • You are an expert in agile and lean experiments
  • You have amazing English writing skills
  • You have an entrepreneurial mindset
  • You work in a disciplined manner

Some More Important-Looking Bullet Points

  • You love turning anarchy into structures.
  • You dislike bureaucracy, and you embrace the unknown.
  • You love experimenting and don’t mind failing fast and often.
  • You like gamification, AI, big data, economics, psychology, and sociology.
  • And you embrace the most difficult challenge of all: working with Jurgen Appelo.

What You Bring

Limitless curiosity — Amazing insights — Fierce independence — Relentless teamwork — Boundless creativity — Cat pictures

Where It Is

Anywhere. We work remotely. We have other jobs.

Time Investment

The more effort you can put in, the better. But this is entirely up to you.

Benefits and Perks

Sorry, you don’t get paid. On the Internet, everyone writes for free. And whatever you create remains yours. You should see it as a new way to build your personal brand. You will get in contact with people across the world who use your guides. You decide whether these efforts will help you as a coach, consultant, writer, public speaker, or as someone who simply enjoys collaborating and innovating with other smart people.

And you will have direct access to the Agility Scales team. They’re kind of cool. (Agility Scales creates the Mind Settlers app which has guides from different brands for different audiences. We focus on Impact Spheres guides, for teams that make a difference.)

Join Me at Impact Spheres

Do you want to join?

Stop making frameworks. Start making guides.

NOTE: When you apply, we ask you to give us ONE link to a good team practice that you described online. The article should have NO MORE THAN 500 WORDS.

Apply here:

P.S. Hey! Maybe this is not a good moment for you to participate in another project. But I’m sure you know someone else who fits the bill? Feel free to forward this message. My big thanks!

Jurgen Appelo
Top 50 Leadership Expert, Top 50 Leadership Innovator



Jurgen Appelo

Successful entrepreneur, Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top 50 Management Expert, author of 4 books, junior in humility.