#28 impact Bulletin | September 2023

Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2023

New listing, new partnerships, and… a new CEO at impactMarket!

⚡ tl;dr

  • impactMarket’s Learn & Earn is the first dApp integrated into the recently launched MiniPay wallet.
  • Will Le is now the new CEO of impactMarket. Welcome, Will!

“Joining impactMarket is a privilege, and I’m thrilled to be part of this remarkable team. Together, we’ll keep creating solutions that empower those who need it most and pave the way for a brighter future. I’m honored to lead impactMarket toward even greater success.” — Will Le, new CEO of impactMarket.

All About the Business

📈 Our Monthly KPIs:

Monthly Active Users (MAU)

  • Libera: 3554 (-33%)
  • dApp: 7K (+21%)

⛓️ On-chain Activity

Total Volume by beneficiaries: $8,897,678.6

Transfers: 6,622

Onchain Transactions: 12,71k

🔝 Microcredit in Numbers

Source: impactMarket’s Microcredit Dashboard on DappLooker.

Product Updates

❇️ Microcredit

  • We have been working on making the Accept/ Reject flow, Borrower profile, and Repayments more streamlined and easier to use while cleaning up any bugs that have arisen in our Dog Fooding sessions.

❇️ Learn&Earn

  • Integration of Learn&Earn with MiniPay is now complete and has been deployed progressively in Nigeria.

📱 Libera Wallet

  • All designs for the Fiat Connect integration are now ready to be developed. That includes the full cash-out flow as well as the full KYC screens.

Partnerships, Events, and Latest Announcements

  • Opera launched the MiniPay wallet built on Celo, to reach millions of users in Africa, and impactMarket’s Learn & Earn is the first dApp available on MiniPay. We believe that Financial Education is key to promoting Financial Inclusion and crypto adoption, and we are super excited to promote a rewarding learning experience to all MiniPay users.
  • Our COO Jessica Gaubert participated in a X Spaces hosted by RociFi to discuss on-chain credit scores for emerging markets microloans.
  • Our CMO Susanne Zapelão spoke in a vibrant gathering organized by ReFi Lisboa with the theme “Regenerative Chains: From Carbon-Negative to Community Positive”.
  • We shared how we are leveraging DappLooker’s platform on our data-driven approach to develop our Microcredit solution, expanding to why transforming on-chain data into actionable insights is relevant to incentivize mainstream adoption of blockchain. Listen now to the enlightening X Spaces where we dug into this discussion with Marco Barbosa, Arif Khazi from DappLooker, and Angelo Kalaw from Celo Foundation.
  • PACT, our governance token, is now listed on the Centralized Exchange BTSE.
  • We announced our collaboration with ImmortalX based on a token swap through which impactMarket will redirect the cUSD rewards generated from staking IMTX to fund our global UBI program.
  • Our President Marco Barbosa represented impactMarket at the Tokenization GTI webinar — Sustainable Assets Edition, part of a series of webinars promoted by the Central Bank of Brazil focused on digitizing the Brazilian economy and developing the Digital Real platform. Watch it now (IN PORTUGUESE) here.
  • During the #CommunityTalks of September on X Spaces our community members of Uganda talked about Financial Education in their communities. Hear now from those who make the magic happen on the ground!

Our People

  • The highlight of September was welcoming Will Le our new CEO. Get to know more about Will and what is making us so excited to have him on board by reading his interview in our Meet Our Team series. Our co-founder and former CEO Marco Barbosa, who has been playing a fundamental role in impactMarket’s development and growth, will continue to contribute now as our President.
  • As we welcome Will as part of our team, we say goodbye to our Summer Interns, Mariam Chehab and Marcos Salazar. We are thankful for their great work at impactMarket in the areas of Impact Measurement and Development and we celebrate their journey in a dedicated Meet our Team edition. Read it now here.

That’s all, folks! :)

Keep following impactMarket on social media to stay tuned to all of our updates and see you in the next bulletin!


impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions to empower underprivileged people all over the world, unlocking opportunities and human potential.

You can find impactMarket also on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, GitHub, Youtube, Telegram, and Discord.




impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions and knowledge for underprivileged people, unlocking opportunities and human potential.