Empowering talents in Brazil, Nigeria, and Uganda to start a career in Web3

Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2023

impactMarket and Talent Protocol are launching their new Learn & Earn course to onboard professionals in this new field.

We’re excited to announce a new partnership between impactMarket and Talent Protocol! Together, we’re launching a Learn & Earn course that’s designed to help professionals from Brazil, Uganda, and Nigeria start a career in Web3.

Talent Protocol is the gateway to Web3 for professionals from all around the world, enabling talents to create a beautiful Web3 resume, make meaningful connections, and access exciting Web3 opportunities. With the new Learn & Earn course on impactMarket’s platform, they’re taking their mission one step further by empowering professionals from Brazil, Uganda, and Nigeria to learn the skills they need to start and succeed in this exciting new field.

At impactMarket, we believe in the power of education to transform lives. That’s why we’re thrilled to partner with Talent Protocol to bring this new course to professionals in developing countries. Our Learn & Earn course is designed to be engaging, accessible, and easy to understand. We’ll be covering everything from the basics of Web3 to more advanced topics like how to build an appealing Web3 professional profile and how to start looking for opportunities.

The course is incentivized, which means that learners will be able to earn rewards as they successfully complete the course. This is a unique product of impactMarket that makes learning fun and motivating. We believe that this approach will help more people to stay engaged and committed to learning, even if they have limited resources or experience.

Our users from Brazil, Uganda, or Nigeria don’t need any prior experience to enroll in the course — just a willingness to learn and grow. With our partnership with Talent Protocol, we’re committed to helping more people access the exciting opportunities that Web3 has to offer.

Mission-aligned partners who would like to explore our Learn & Earn to expand their reach and awareness to a global audience can contact our team for more information.

Together with Talent Protocol, we are empowering talents from emerging countries to join us in the Web3 revolution. Diverse minds build inclusive solutions for a fairer world for everyone.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at impactmarket.com, docs.impactmarket.com, or directly by emailing us at hello@impactmarket.com.

You can also find us on Medium, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, GitHub, Youtube, Telegram, and Discord.

Talent Protocol

Talent Protocol is the web3 professional community and platform for high-potential builders where they can build their verifiable on-chain resume and find the support they need to succeed. Since November 2021, more than 150,000 users have registered to create a web3 professional profile, launch a Talent Token and kick off their collective career journeys.

impactMarket (The Human Empowerment Protocol)

impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions to empower underprivileged people all over the world, unlocking opportunities and human potential. Our inclusive protocol is transparent, reliable, and borderless. It operates as a DAO on top of the Celo network, using $PACT as its governance token while running autonomously through smart contracts.

impactLabs (the company)

impactLabs Lda, based in Portugal, was founded in Nov 2020 by Marco Barbosa, Bernardo Vieira, Afonso Barbosa, and eSolidar. The company is focused on building accessible decentralized systems to unleash human potential and disrupt access to finance while driving DeFi adoption.




impactMarket provides accessible financial solutions and knowledge for underprivileged people, unlocking opportunities and human potential.